Russian soldier on the spring offensive: “The attackers will be annihilated”

Drone pilot Lutjin quickly answers when SVT Nyheter asks the question in his Telegram channel if he would consider being interviewed.

– Why do you want to interview me? You are the enemy.

It is very difficult to get in touch with Russian soldiers and we want to know how he views the ongoing war of aggression against Ukraine and the impending spring offensive.

Opinion polls show that most Russians support the war, but it is difficult to know how Russian soldiers view the invasion because few want to be interviewed. But, it doesn’t take many minutes before Lutjin makes up his mind.

Swears himself free from all responsibility

He is 34 years old, born in the city of Kaluga in central Russia and has lived in Moscow for the past few years. Last year he traveled to the occupied territories of Ukraine to, as he himself says, defend his homeland.

Lutjin’s worldview is a reflection of what the Russian state conveys to its citizens. He belongs to the majority who watch state news channels and do not take part in independent sources of information. According to Lutchin, the war in Ukraine is about Russia’s survival. And everything that’s going on is everyone’s fault, except Russia’s.

Do you see your responsibility in the fact that civilians are dying in Ukraine?

– No. It is a responsibility that lies entirely with the armed forces of Ukraine and the government of Ukraine, says Lutchin.

Tracks spring offensive within two months

The Russian soldier believes that the war is entering a new phase. According to him, the upcoming spring offensive will start within two months.

– The attackers will be destroyed and after that we will attack. I think it will be the beginning of the end for Ukraine as a nation and for the war as a whole, he says.

That the Russian defense lines are prepared for attack is confirmed by both satellite images and experts. Hear Lieutenant Colonel Peter Lidén explain the obstacles the Ukrainian forces may face in the clip below.
