30 weeks of pregnancy (32 weeks): last ultrasound before birth

30 weeks of pregnancy 32 weeks last ultrasound before birth

At 30 weeks of pregnancy, or 32 SA, the delivery is approaching. This week, you will undergo the third and final ultrasound of pregnancy, an important step that begins the last straight line until birth. Discover the advice and recommendations of Anh-Chi Ton, midwife on this 32nd week of amenorrhea.

This 30th week of pregnancy, or 32 SA, marks the end of your seventh month of pregnancy.. The minor ailments of the third trimester are very present: back pain, pain in the lower abdomen, heavy legs, swollen ankles. If you feel really tired, it may be time to consider prenatal pathological leave, do not hesitate to discuss it with your doctor. Significant event of this 30thpregnancy week, you are going to pass your third and last pregnancy ultrasound. A great moment to live with your partner! Here is what awaits you during this 30th week of pregnancy, with the advice of our midwife Anh-Chi Ton.

What month and SA at 30 weeks of pregnancy?

  • The 30th week of pregnancy corresponds to 32 weeks of amenorrhea (32 SA).
  • You are also at end of your 7th month of pregnancy.

What symptoms at 30 weeks of pregnancy?

At 30 weeks of pregnancy, the woman can suffer from many minor ailments: insomnia, lower back pain, hemorrhoids, acid reflux, reflux, digestive problems.”, explains the midwife.

Swollen ankles

During the last trimester of pregnancy, some mums-to-be see their ankles and feet swell, especially in summer when it’s hot. This phenomenon is completely normal and should not worry you: it is Water retention. It is important to continue to hydrate yourself properly, especially in hot weather.

White discharge

At this stage of pregnancy, it is not abnormal to have vaginal discharge similar to those that occur during menstruation. As long as they are not smelly and itchy, which could be a sign of an infection, they are not serious. Open your eye if they are accompanied by blood loss, it could be the mucous plug.

“At 30 weeks of pregnancy, a woman can suffer from many minor ailments: insomnia, lower back pain, hemorrhoids, acid reflux, reflux, digestive problems.”

30 weeks of pregnancy and fatigue

Childbirth is approaching and tiredness is increasingly present. It’s time for you to finally start your maternity leave! “After the fatigue of early pregnancy, the energy boost of the second trimester, women are often more tired when they approach the end of pregnancy. They are big hits, need to take naps. It is important that they listen to their bodies and rest if they need to.”, recommend the midwife.

If you feel particularly tired, or have a heavy job, don’t hesitate to talk to your doctor or midwife. Indeed, your maternity leave should begin within a few days, but, if necessary, you can benefit from an additional 15 days of leave, also called pathological leave. If you are having a twin pregnancy, you are already on maternity leave!

Lower abdominal pain

Your ligaments are stretching, your pelvis is widening, the baby is due soon and your body is slowly getting ready for the big day. So you could feel stomach pain a bit like during menstruation. If your belly becomes hard, it is a contraction. At this stage of pregnancy, it could be labor if these painful contractions are repeated. It is therefore preferable to consult.

How are the contractions at 30 weeks pregnant?

Your belly hardens for a few seconds and then relaxes? This is a contraction! As long as they are not painful and/or regular, they should have no effect on the cervix.

If they become too frequent and are accompanied by loss of fluids, it could be a fissure of the pocket of waters. When there is a crack in the bag of waters, the liquid is clear, transparent, as liquid as tap water. While the vaginal discharge is rather viscous, thick, like egg white. In general, in the event of a crack, there are several losses during the day. If in doubt, it is imperative to go to the maternity ward where a test can be carried out which determines in ten minutes whether it is indeed amniotic fluid.explains Anh-Chi Ton.

“When there is a crack in the bag of waters, the liquid is clear, transparent, as liquid as tap water”

How much weight gain at 30 weeks of pregnancy?

A few weeks before delivery, the scale should display about 8 kg more at the counter. This is obviously an average and it is quite possible that you took a little less or a little more without it being pathological. Continue to eat a balanced and varied diet without depriving yourself, but avoiding eating too much fat or too much sugar.

When to have your 3rd pregnancy ultrasound?

This week you will have your last pregnancy ultrasound. The third trimester ultrasound will mainly check the growth of the baby, because the morphology was well detailed during the echo of 22 SA. Is he growing well? How is it positioned, is it breech or cephalic presentation? How much fluid, how is the placenta? explains the midwife.

It continues to grow and grow at its own pace. Which doesn’t stop him sometimes kicking you hard in the stomach, as if he wanted to tell you he’s running out of space!

  • Your baby is slowly preparing for D-Day. His brain continues to develop at very high speed.
  • Your baby’s skin, thicker, but still a little wrinkled, gradually starting to smooth out. It is more pink, but still covered with a layer of vernix caseosa white.
  • Her hair and nails keep growing. Clearly, your baby is fine-tuning his look in anticipation of his birth.
  • Your baby’s brain continues to develop very quickly. It is very active and constantly sends signals to the nervous system.
  • He is now able to turn your head from side to side.
  • His senses sharpen more and more.
  • Your baby is also practicing breathing. But he still continues to spend most of his time sleeping!

What is the position of the baby at 33 SA?

If he hasn’t already, he assumes the head down position, ready for birth (but not all babies do).

What is baby’s weight at 30 weeks pregnant?

At 30 weeks of pregnancy, baby is about 40 cm tall and weighs 1.7 kg.

Can you give birth at 30 weeks of pregnancy?

Up to 30 weeks of pregnancy (32 weeks) baby is considered a medium premature. If your child were to be born this week, he would be taken care of in neonatal intensive care in order to compensate for the immaturity of his lungs. At this point, the biggest difficulty for him will be to breathe on his own. However, the risk of sequelae is less significant than for a extremely premature.

What to do at the 30th week of pregnancy?

At 30 weeks of pregnancy, even if it is not yet the start of your maternity leave, you could benefit from a pathological leave. On the administrative side, there is nothing special to do this week. On the other hand, if you have not yet had your 3rd trimester ultrasound, you absolutely must make an appointment as soon as possible, because it must be done between 32 and 34 SA.

Start of maternity leave

At this stage of pregnancyit is quite possible to start your maternity leave. If your doctor deems that your state of health requires it, he can grant you pathological leave for a maximum of 15 days. If this is the case, of course notify your employer so that he can organize himself. In this case, this leave will then be extended with the official maternity leave. This is the last straight line before your delivery.

Pregnancy video memory

Did you have a film of your wedding made by a professional? Why not do the same to keep a memory of your pregnancy ! Many videographers now offer this type of service for an unforgettable memory of this unique period of your life.

Thanks to Anh-Chi Ton, midwife
