Meeting in Bakhmout with a Franco-Ukrainian volunteer, at the front against Russian troops

Meeting in Bakhmout with a Franco Ukrainian volunteer at the front

The Ukrainian army announced, Tuesday, May 2, a reinforcement of its defensive lines in Bakhmout and its desire to hold the city in eastern Ukraine against attacks by Russian forces. Heavy fighting continues. Our special envoys met a Franco-Ukrainian volunteer, pointer-mortar, engaged in a unit operating on the Bakhmout front

With our special envoys in the Bakhmout region, Anastasia Becchio and Boris Vichith

We have our positions in a forest. From time to time wild animals are seen crossing the field. It’s really sad for them too, all this cacophony of shots, explosions… It’s the most violent place right now “says Valery Shyrokov.

A few more hours of respite in a café for him before returning to his position, located between Russian and Ukrainian artillery :

Very often, we hear ammunition whistling above our heads. The artillery exchanges intensified, but our last sortie was rather quiet. Maybe it was due to the weather conditions. »

It has rained a lot in the past few days in this region of Ukraine, and the soil has not dried out. Result: the ground is muddy. Very muddy. ” Oh, the mud! The defining word. It means you’re going to sleep in mud, eat mud. Here, the mud is very dense. We often see cars stop, because they can’t cross the fields », explains the Franco-Ukrainian volunteer.

With the sun back, the mud begins to dry. The Ukrainian counter-offensive, which we hear a lot about lately, is it imminent? ” You have to put the question to General Zaloujny. I believe that the counter-offensive can come at any time. It’s kept secret, of course. Everyone is waiting “, respond Valery Shyrokov.

Read also : Control of Bakhmout: “The human component plays an essential role in this war”
