In a bad mood ? Here are the clothes to choose to find a smile, according to scientists

In a bad mood Here are the clothes to

Does the dopamine dressing ring a bell? It’s the art of composing an outfit with bright colors to maintain your good mood. A fashion reflex approved by scientists, to be taken without delay.

Clothes to boost our dopamine ? This is confirmed by color specialists. Because in fact, on a daily basis, our happiness hormone is stimulated depending on many factors. Among these, clothes and colors that we wear.

Some colors have an influence on our morale. Celine Georgeaultpractitioner in LineQuartz and chromatherapy, list those to be preferred: “The colour red stimulates tone. The colour YELLOW acts on the nervous system, on the intellect, on physical digestion and that of the emotions. The colour green, it soothes emotions and anger. It is called the light of the heart. THE blueit’s for quiet. Ie sky blue corresponds to the communication and the Indigo blue relates to introspection, quieting of the mind and intuition.” This is confirmed by a study conducted in 2009 by researchers from the University of Sussex, relayed by the DailyMail. In addition to blue, the color of good humor, calm and self-confidence, scientists have established that purple and orange have the ability to bring smiles to withdrawn faces. You know what you have left to do !

But then, how does it work, in practice? “Chromatherapy works on the endocrine system. When this system is well nourished, all the functions start working again.” Cécile Georgeault explains: “Colors have a frequency in hertz. Our whole body is governed by these frequencies. And the colors work with the chakras, which also have a frequency. When we wear a particular color, our body will absorb it, which amounts to absorbing the frequency. Certain colors then propagate a positive energy to the problem detected”.

Are certain colors to be avoided for morale?

Yes of course ! The practitioner explains:“People who wear black, in general, are not that happy. This hue absorbs all energies. While the white repels them. This is also why the nursing staff adopted this nuance. In the same vein, a slightly depressed person, who does not feel like doing much, should avoid blue, which tends to calm. Conversely, a hyperactive person has every interest in avoiding exciting shades of red and favoring blue or green.

Which colors to choose for spring-summer 2023?

Dopamine dressing is good for morale? That’s good ! The sunny days are finally here. Another good reason to adopt the season’s key shades. Among those :

  • lime green
  • orange
  • yellow
  • the pink
  • blue
  • the Lilac

A joyful palette to use as accessories or to wear as a total look. The more adventurous will try their hand at color blocking and clashing blue and green, pink and lilac or yellow and orange. Objective: to spend a vitaminized summer.
