Latest news – Shooting in Västerås

Shooting in Västerås

today at 23.01 Nelly Kronstrand

Several shots have been fired in Västerås, according to P4 Västmanland.

The channel states that a major police operation has been carried out in Skallberget and that an area has been cordoned off.

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  • 2,000 households in Västerås without power

    Around 2,000 households in Västerås have been affected by power outages, reports say P4 Västmanland.

    According to Mälarenergi, households in Nordanby, Önsta-Gryta and Skallberget are without electricity.

    According to the channel, there is no forecast for when the power would be restored.

  • Alarm of explosions

    The police were alerted on Saturday evening about a suspicious shooting in Södertälje.

    After questioning several people and checking vehicles near the scene, nothing to indicate a shooting was found.

  • One person hospitalized after assault

    The police were alerted on Saturday evening due to an ongoing assault outside in Haninge municipality.

    Two people are said to have been injured, one of whom was taken to hospital by ambulance.

    It is unclear how many people were involved in the suspected assault, but one person has been arrested.

    – We have some patrols in the area looking for one or more perpetrators, says Helena Boström Thomas at the police.

  • Was alerted about a forest fire – it was a controlled fire

    The emergency services have been alerted about a forest fire outside Eskilstuna, reports P4 Sörmland.

    – We received it as if it were a forest fire. But it was a controlled fire. We arrived at the scene and called off and left, says an emergency operator for the emergency services.

  • Freya the walrus is honored with a sculpture

    The sculpture of Freya was unveiled in Oslo on Saturday. Photo: Annika Byrde

    A sculpture has been unveiled in Oslo in memory of the celebrity walrus Freya, writes TT.

    The 600-kilogram walrus got a lot of attention after appearing in several European cities, including in Smögen, Sweden.

    Last summer she stayed in Oslo

    But in August, she was euthanized by the Norwegian Directorate of Fisheries because Freya was deemed to pose a threat to human life.

  • Fifth suspect arrested for murder in Enköping

    The suspect was arrested at Arlanda. Archive image. Photo: STEFAN JERREVÅNG

    A person has been arrested at Arlanda on suspicion of the murder of a taxi driver outside Enköping, reports say SVT News Uppsala.

    – He was arrested when he came to Sweden, but I don’t know from where, says Robin Simonsson, communicator at the Public Prosecutor’s Office.

    – It is an 18-year-old man who is arrested on suspicion of probable cause for murder.

    A total of five people are now suspects in the murder investigation. Four teenagers are already in custody.

    The man denies any wrongdoing.

    Read more here.

  • Man arrested after fire

    Recently, there have been fires in several places around Norrköping and the police have previously suspected that a pyromaniac is wreaking havoc in the city.

    Now a man has been arrested on suspicion of aggravated arson in at least one case.

    – We could form suspicions against the man and after questioning the prosecutor decided to arrest him, Lars-Göran Nilsryd, officer on duty at police region East.

    The man is on probable grounds suspected of aggravated arson in at least one case.

    – There have been more fires close in time and close in area. So we investigate connections.

    Read more here.

  • Ride got stuck at Gröna Lund

    Today, Gröna Lund opened up for the summer guests.

    But not everything went smoothly. The roller coaster Insane got stuck, and passengers were stuck 17 meters in the air for half an hour, reports Swedens radio.

    According to information manager Annika Troselius, it was the safety system that kicked in, which could be due to a gondola going a little too fast or because of the wind.

    – Now all the guests are down, they were in good spirits and are taken care of, she tells SR.

    Staff distributed blankets to guests who were stuck, due to the cold weather.

  • Shop fire in central Stockholm

    There is a fire in a shop in Vasastan in central Stockholm. The rescue service is on site and has started smoke diving and extinguishing work.

    – It is unclear what the spread of smoke looks like, but there is a risk of spread to other stores, says Hans Eriksson, line operator.

    A big effort at the site with three fire stations participating in the work. At the moment, the rescue service has no forecast for the work.

    Update 17:30:

    The fire is out. No one was injured.

  • Suspected murder in Örebro

    A woman in her 20s was found dead in an apartment in central Örebro at around 1pm on Saturday, reports SVT News.

    According to the police, three people are in custody.

    – Circumstances mean that we are investigating murder or manslaughter, says Mats Thörn, officer on duty at Police Region Bergslagen, to Nerikes Allehanda.

    Relatives have been notified.

    Later on Saturday, the police announced that a person had been arrested on suspicion of crime. Two other people have been brought in for questioning but are not suspects.

  • Forsmark’s reactors start up again

    Forsmark 1 and 2 are now up and running again after the power outage earlier this week, reports P4 Uppland.

    Production was restarted at 09:30 on Saturday. On Monday, it is expected to be up to full effect.

  • Russian-occupied city under shelling

    The Russian-occupied town of Novaya Kakhovka is under “very intense” artillery fire. This is stated by the Russian occupation government, AFP reports.

    The power in the city is said to have been knocked out.

    The city was occupied on the first day of the war, February 24 last year.

    Earlier, Russia stated that an oil depot on the Crimean peninsula had been attacked by a drone.

    Ukraine has previously flagged that it is preparing a major counter-offensive against Russia.

  • Fire in apartment

    There is a fire in an apartment in Perstorp.

    Police, emergency services and an ambulance have been called to the scene.

    At the moment, it is unclear if anyone is in the home.

    Update: No injuries have been reported.

  • Family suspected after murder in Malå

    A boy under the age of 18 was arrested on Friday evening on suspicion of involvement in the murder of a man in his 30s in Malå.

    Since before, a man in his 50s, a woman in his 40s and two men in their 20s have been detained in the case.

    All persons are part of the same family constellation.

    – The people who are now in custody for murder are part of a family constellation and that there is also a strong motive for why the murder was committed, why the plaintiff was murdered, prosecutor Andreas Nyberg told The northon Friday.

    – I don’t want to specify anything about the motive itself because it could complicate the investigation, but we see a strong picture of the motive for the deed, he continues.

    The murder took place on the night of February 13.

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  • Was it a fighter plane that flew over Stockholm today? We heard several about Hägersten recently.


    Hello! That’s right! The armed forces have their biggest exercise, Aurora 23, and in several parts of the country they are visible in different ways now.

  • Is it a vacuum cleaner or a lawn mower that the police are looking for in Huskvarna? 😂

    Erika Larsson

    It went a little fast there! Robotic lawnmowers are right, we’ve changed that now. 🙂

  • Tired of seeing Pernilla Wahlberg and her children Bianca Benjamin on many channels every single day, right?


    Hi Jolle! Change the channel and scroll on is my advice to you. I imagine that viewing figures show that there is a decent interest in them anyway and that they strike a chord with many.

  • Regarding spies, how many do we have in Europe, all countries have spies, I think it is foolish to say that you and those countries have so and so many spies, then all countries have them.

    Ferko Tan Mercovich

    Hi Tan! Don’t understand the criticism. Shouldn’t we report on what it looks like in our area because it exists in all countries? Sounds a bit strange I think.

  • Is it some Russian hacker attack that knocked out Forsmark?


    Hi Monica! According to Svenska Kraftnät, it is maintenance work that has gone wrong. Read our report here.

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