the schooling of children from slums undermined by the “Wuambushu” operation

the schooling of children from slums undermined by the Wuambushu

In Mayotte, several thousand children are out of school. So to help the families of the shantytowns of the island, the association Le Village d’Eva, gives French lessons to the young people who live there. But the Wuambushu operation, in addition to its impact on delinquency, immigration and unsanitary housing, also has consequences for associations on the island.

With our special correspondent in Mamoudzou, Roman Phillips

Iklam, 8 years old, lives in the shanty town of M’Tsapéré. With Le Village d’Eva, he can take lessons, while waiting to find his place in the island’s schools. Sébastien Danjan is the director of the association: ” We propose to accompany them as much as possible during the time they are not at school “, he explains.

Our action goes in the reception of children on a daily basis, the fact of providing learning and supporting parents in the constitution of administrative files to be able to present registration files for their children in schools in Mayotte. And so out of 850 children received, there are 345 who entered school in the year 2022. »

► To read also: In Mayotte, a new slum destroyed as the “Wuambushu” operation slips away

5 to 10,000 out-of-school children

But as most of the parents are in an irregular situation, for a week and the beginning of the Wuambushu operation, the benches of the class are empty. Anzidine Rachimi is a teacher. ” Since it started, some don’t come anymore “, she testifies.

Their parents say they can’t let their children come here. If they get kicked out and their kids are here, they wouldn’t know what to do. So they prefer to leave their children at home until the situation is stable. It’s a shame because children lose a lot of things. When they come here they learn, but when they stay home they have no one they can lean on to learn. »

It is estimated that between 5 and 10,000 children in Mayotte are out of school.

► To read also: Ambiguity remains on the international status of Mayotte for the international community
