Tutor teachers, Anief: it is not enough to move the communication of names to the end of May

Anief Pacifico without measures even the 150 million allocated yesterday

(Finance) – “Postponing the sending of the names of tutors and guidance teachers who will do the training by secondary schools by a few days does not erase the shortcomings of the provision which, without expedients, risks remaining ineffective: if really help students to choose their training paths with full awareness and to prevent many from dropping out of school, then we need to review the ministerial decree 63, because the new figures must be joined by others, starting with the teachers and ATA of the additional staff “: to declare it is Marcellus Pacificus, national president anief, commenting on the postponement of the deadline, from May 2nd to May 31st, with a Note dated last April 21st, for sending the names of 40,000 tutor teachers and counselors through the platform “FUTURA PNRR” – Project Management“, “Initiatives” area, “orientation tutor teachers” section who will work in 70,000 classes in the final three-year period of upper secondary school”.

The independent trade unionist this morning went back to asking: “How will the tutor teacher follow i needs and the reasons of 50 students without the support of structures inside and outside the school? Because there is no clarity on the allocation of the fund of 150 million euros among the different schools approved by decree? Additional resources would be needed for schools attended by students at risk of dropping out. Likewise, the reasons for the new school dimensioning decided by the Government are not understood: how will a single tutor manage so many students? And why is there nothing in middle school and in the initial two years of high school for now?”, asks Pacifico again.

The truth is that, continues the leader of Anief, “while the negotiations with the EU Commission, the Italian Government and the Ministry must proceed with the recruitment in roleor, the increase in teaching posts and Ata, the cancellations of the constraints that block transfers even in the presence of vacancies: these are implementing measures that can be easily included in the PNRR quater decree. Without a stable and additional staff, the return to the dual channel and the mobility of staff without constraints, the Pnrr projects applied to the School are destined to fail”, concludes the trade unionist.

Interested teachers will have to follow a 20 hour training course handled by Indict And completely online, which will start in April of this year. Among the non-binding but indicative criteria for identifying these figures: have served 5 years of permanent service; have carried out functions within the school on guidance, Pcto and dispersion; undertake to hold this position for at least three years. The ministry will soon publish the explanatory circular ministerial decree which will be issued within the 180 days envisaged by law: the circular, briefly presented to the unions, outlines the criteria regarding the identification, path and remuneration of the tutor.

The mentor teacher – writes Orizzonte Scuola – will have the task of coordinating and promoting the educational activities to personalize education in third, fourth and fifth grade students of secondary schools. This task includes supporting students who are struggling and promoting empowerment for those with particular talents. The guidance teacher will have the task of promoting orientation activities to help students make choices in line with their aspirations, potential and life plans, taking into account the different study and work paths and the various opportunities offered by the territories, the productive world and university. This approach must be done while respecting the autonomy of schools, students and their families.

The training course to become a tutor and guidance teacher will last 20 hours and will be managed by Indire. There should be 40,000 tutors, to whom guidance teachers go, one for each school; they will be distributed in schools in proportion to the number of students in the third, fourth and fifth grades of secondary school (2023/2024 school year). The schools will then organize the service in their own autonomy.

The Ministry of Education decided that at the approx 40,000 tutor teachers an annual bonus ranging from 2,850 euros to 4,750 euros gross to the State will be assigned, as decided in the negotiation: their funding will come from the 150 million of the fund for the development of school personnel (art. 1 paragraph 561 of the 2023 Budget Law) . Tutor teachers will have to commit themselves for three years to achieve PNRR objectives. The distribution of the 150 million for tutors will be made only on the basis of the number of students in the final classes of each secondary school. Together with that of the tutor teacher, the figure of the guidance counselor will be established: approximately 2,500 guidance counselors are expected who will receive lower salaries than those of their tutor colleagues.
