Sweden news

Finally, the former biathlete must repel down from one cabin of the cable car and then climb the rope ladder up to the other. But he gets tangled in the rope and ends up upside down.
– I’m stuck in one arm, he shouts.

Hanging 60 meters above the ground, he must solve the tangle himself. It goes well and he repels himself down at high speed.

Repels at high speed

It is foggy and poor visibility – it requires you to constantly try to keep track of how far it is to the ground. Otherwise, you can break your legs or – in the worst case, die, if you crash badly, warns instructor Petra “Pam” Malm.

But things are going well for recruit number 10, former biathlete Torstein Stenersen. However, he receives some criticism when he comes down.

– Stupid to make it harder when you can make it easier for yourself, comments Petra “Pam” Malm to him.

Record-breaking pick-up

However, he makes up for the time he lost in the tangle on the climb. His time is a minute faster than the others.

– He’s too damn good, says “Pam”.

Only three of the recruits are up to the task: #10 Torstein Stenersen, #5 Mathias Ramberg and #18 Salim Abdulahad.

Before Torstein’s effort, Mathias had the best time, but it beats Torstein by one minute. Salim also impresses the instructors by defying and overcoming his great fear of heights.


About to repel down from the cable car – gets tangled in the rope
