New wave of Covid vaccination until June 16: for whom?

New wave of Covid vaccination until June 16 for whom

SPRING 2023 COVID VACCINATION. The General Directorate of Health announces a new Covid vaccine recall campaign from April 27 to June 16, 2023. For whom? Instructions.

No, the Covid is not behind us yet. And the vaccination continues in 2023 with a first reminder campaign in the spring, from April 27 to June 16, 2023details the General Directorate of Health (DGS) in a communicated. “The circulation of Covid-19 is characterized by successive waves and difficult to predict, recall authority. (…) The objective of this vaccination campaign is to maintain a sufficient level of vaccine protection to reduce the occurrence of severe forms of Covid-19, and the risk of hospitalization and death.” There vaccination would protect 70% severe forms first three months.

Who should be vaccinated again in the spring against Covid?

This vaccination reminder campaign is intended for the “most fragile”, that is to say:

  • People aged 80 and over;
  • Immunocompromised people;
  • Residents of EHPADs and USLDs, regardless of their age;
  • People at very high risk of severe form according to each individual medical situation and within the framework of a decision shared with the healthcare team.

If a person is not in the target and wishes to receive a reminder, they will be able to benefit from it for free, underlines the DGS.

With which vaccine?

Those are the bivalent Covid vaccines adapted to the Omicron variant (still the majority) which are currently recommended in France for booster vaccinations. Moderna and Pfizer are the two laboratories that supply these vaccines. For people aged under 30, only Comirnaty® vaccines from Pfizer-BioNTech are recommended. As an alternative to bivalent mRNA vaccines for people who do not wish and those who cannot benefit from them (contraindications), it is possible to use the vaccines VidPrevtyn Beta® from Sanofi and Nuvaxovid® from Novavax as a booster.

Where to get vaccinated?

  • For the residents in EHPAD and USLD, vaccination will be organized by the establishment ;
  • For people followed in a care service, vaccination can be carried out directly within the care structure;
  • For other people, vaccination can be done in town: in a pharmacy, with a doctor or with a state-certified nurse.

Source: Covid-19: vaccination recommendations for the year 2023, DGS, April 25, 2023
