Latest news – 50 dead laughing gulls by lake – suspected bird flu

50 dead laughing gulls by the lake – suspected bird flu

today at 14.29 Anna Sjögren

The reports of the mass death at Råstasjön in Solna started coming in last week.

Between 30 and 50 birds have been found dead, according to the newspaper Mitt i.

– It looks like they are having seizures. They sit and huff and puff, then they collapse, a local told the newspaper.

SVA, the Norwegian Veterinary Institute, has been on site at the lake to analyze the birds. According to SVA, they will be examined for bird flu.

Dog owners in the area should ensure that their dogs do not eat any dead birds.

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    Environment Minister Romina Pourmokhtari (L) Photo: Jonas Ekströmer/TT

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  • Regarding spies, how many do we have in Europe, all countries have spies, I think it is foolish to say that you and those countries have so and so many spies, then all countries have them.

    Ferko Tan Mercovich

    Hi Tan! Don’t understand the criticism. Shouldn’t we report on what it looks like in our area because it exists in all countries? Sounds a bit strange I think.

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    Hi Monica! According to Svenska Kraftnät, it is maintenance work that has gone wrong. Read our report here.

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    Hi Alexander! We report on this in this article. It seems that the safest means of transport today is unfortunately a boat.

  • Where can you find today’s electricity prices/average on your website


  • Why don’t you write anything about Biden running for re-election in 2024? Is it only Trump that applies.


    Hi Tobe! It’s not just Trump that matters! Here you can read about Biden running for re-election!

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