End Tesla’s Free Supercharger Service!

End Teslas Free Supercharger Service

It seems impossible to pass a day without mentioning Tesla. If prices don’t go up, they go up, margin profits go down, then share prices go down. That’s pretty important for a company that doesn’t have a formal PR department and only relies on its controversial CEO to keep the world up to date. However, Tesla, which has not fallen off the agenda with price changes, is now to free supercharger service trying to end.

These news the first Model S or Model XIt comes courtesy of pioneer customers who bought one from . Them, free super charge for life They were tempted by the offer. Every Model S and Model X had free access to the Supercharger network until it worked.

Once Tesla started selling enough cars and the Model 3 was released, the company stopped the offer. Those who bought their cars before 2018 retained their right to free charging, which means there are still several hundred thousand Teslas entitled to free charging.

It must be hurting Tesla’s economy, as the company earlier this year tried to distract customers from its valuable advantages. Anyone who trades a Model S or Model X for a free Supercharger in a new car $5,000 extra discount was offered. It seems that not many people accepted the offer.

The company is now offering an added bonus for those who want to forgo their free supercharger benefits. old Tesla new Model S or Model X 6 years to anyone who trades for free Super Charge will be given. The company states that in order to qualify for this offer, the vehicle must either be exchanged for a new one, or your free supercharger stresses that it should be removed from the current tool.

At this point, it means that anyone who wants to buy a new Model S or X and keep their old Tesla can do so, but have the option to do so. for old car free recharge keep it or buy it for new car but for only 6 years.

Sounds like an interesting deal. Current Teslas are certainly much better than their predecessors from 2018. The problem is that current models are cheaper thanks to Elon’s price cut campaign, which has resulted in much lower prices for used models. On the other hand, owning a new Tesla with 6 years of free charging and leaving the old one running for miles may be the perfect timing for many owners.
