Mayor disappointed with council vote over housing

Mayor disappointed with council vote over housing

Plans for a 30-unit condominium development in Waterford turned into a debate about mandatory dwelling units at a recent Norfolk County council meeting.

Mayor Amy Martin and Coun. Kim Huffman argued in favor of mandating Aucoin-Dixon Developments Inc. to include accessory dwellings in four of the 30 units slated for 260 West Church St. Accessory dwelling units are like a duplex – an extra home within an existing one.

But, after a lengthy debate at the April 18 meeting, councilors decided to make the construction of accessory units optional for both the developer and potential buyer instead of mandatory.

“I’m so disappointed,” Martin said after council’s decision. “Everybody has their own expectations and requirements to represent their ward. I get that and respect that.

“But four units out of 30 is a drop in the hat.”

At issue was an attempt by Martin and Huffman to use the planned condominium development to increase the availability of rental units and help first-time home buyers. As part of the condominium development, Aucoin-Dixon wanted to purchase part of an unopened portion of McCool Street.

So, when John Vallee, of G. Douglas Vallee Limited, brought the condominium proposal to council on behalf of Aucoin-Dixon, back in March, Martin asked him to find a way to include rental units in the development.

Vallee, appearing at the April 18 council meeting, told councilors Aucoin-Dixon had agreed to incorporate accessory dwellings into four of the 30 units. He told councilors that the four units had been discussed with county staff prior to the April meeting.

However Vallee noted that the four units earlier agreed to by the county had been changed to eight. He then asked councilors to reduce the number of to four.

count. Chris Van Paassen said he had an issue with what was being proposed by the county.

“I don’t think we specified that they (the developer) would be required to build them that way and then market them that way,” Van Paassen said.

Rather, the developer could market the units as having the option of a second unit available to them, Van Paassen said.

count. Linda Vandendriessche said she’d like to see the accessory units as a development option not something that is mandatory.

But Huffman, who, as the Ward 7 councilor, represents Waterford, spoke in favor of making the four accessory units mandatory.

“We are in a housing crisis here, not just here but across the country and the province, and in particular Norfolk County,” Huffman said. “We have to start somewhere, we have to look outside the box and we need to be creative.”

She urged councilors to remember that the community has a vast demographic who need housing.

Martin said there are a lot of benefits to making the units mandatory.

“It creates additional density, it creates efficiency for the builders because they are on site already,” Martin said. “It helps Norfolk County create more affordable units, it helps create more housing stock and it’s going to create more rental opportunities for a lot of different reasons for first-time home buyers.”

The proposal could enable first-time home buyers to wrap the additional unit into the mortgage and immediately create income by renting the extra unit.

However, councilors rejected making the four-unit plan mandatory.

Instead, they voted to make the four units optional for both the developer and potential buyers.

Council also approved the sale of a portion of McCool Street to Aucoin-Dixon for $150,194 and 30-unit condominium development on West Church Street.

Councilors Doug Brunton, Van Paassen, Alan Duthie, Vandendriessche, Mike Columbus, Adam Veri voted in favor of the land sale. Martin, Huffman and Coun. Tom Masschaele voted in opposition.

[email protected]


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