Confusing new road signs in Simcoe removed

Confusing new road signs in Simcoe removed

New signs on Crescent Boulevard at Queensway East in Simcoe prohibiting drivers from turning right or left at the T-intersection have been removed.

The intent of the new signs was to basically make Crescent Blvd. a dead end street.

A press release from Norfolk County issued late Friday afternoon indicated a decision was made to remove the signage until the project’s second phase is completed.

Planned for this summer, the second phase will see the Crescent roadway narrowed at the northwest corner of the intersection. The sidewalk will be extended, and it’s slope improved coming off the Cst. John Verral Bridge.

As a result, Crescent will become a southbound, one-way street.

The explanation was issued due to the confusing signs.

“Drivers, please note that signs were installed this week which restrict right and left hand turns at the intersection of Crescent Boulevard and Queensway in Simcoe,” said a social media post by Norfolk County on Thursday. “The restrictions have been put in place to address safety concerns at this intersection.”

The county’s social media post drew plenty of comments with some seeing the humor in the situation, others not so much.

“So can’t turn left, can’t turn right, can’t go straight, yet there’s still a two way street with stop sign and white line showing where drivers should stop before proceeding into the roadway…..Got it!, ” said a social media post by David Piano (@ONwxchaser).

Even Norfolk County Councilor Kim Huffman weighed in. “Hmmmm, me thinks there needs some further explanation,” she posted on Twitter.

“Had to check to be sure this post wasn’t an old one from April 1st,” wrote Deborah Scheeringa (@deborthefarmer).

“Huh. So you’re at the stop sign, can’t turn left or right. Is this a joke? It’s a joke right?” posted CDavis (@CDavis2448).
