Race for the Cure 2023: the FS Italiane Group next to the XXIV edition

Race for the Cure 2023 the FS Italiane Group

(Finance) – It was presented this morning in Rome XXIV edition of the Race for the Cure, the largest demonstration in the world for the fight against breast cancer. Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane renews its partnership with Komen Italia again this year on the occasion of its symbolic event whose first appointment takes place at the Circus Maximus in Rome from 4 to 7 May, to then reach Bari (12-14 May) Brescia (17 -15 September), Bologna (22-24 September) Naples (23-24 September) and Matera (29 September-1 October).

“Protecting the health and well-being of people, starting with colleagues from the FS Group, is part of our corporate culture and is a founding principle of the social and industrial identity, as well as an essential value, of Ferrovie dello Stato Italian – he declared Luca Torchia, chief communication officer of the Italian State Railways Group –. For this reason we strongly support the Race for the Cure initiative and we are alongside the Komen Italia Association in encouraging information on correct lifestyles and the culture of prevention”.

“With support for the Race for the Cure organized by Komen Italy, Ferrovie dello Stato – reports FS News, the information portal of the FS Group – confirms its commitment alongside important initiatives that look at prevention, volunteering and good lifestyles, a virtuous example of how companies can contribute positively to the health care and the fight against breast cancer in Italy and in the world”.
