What is hyperbaric oxygen therapy for sudden hearing loss?

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Sudden hearing loss is an extremely important health problem. Hearing loss can become permanent if not intervened in a short time. Many hyperbaric medical professionals recommend hyperbaric oxygen therapy for sudden hearing loss not to be permanent. Many scientific studies have been carried out on this subject and as a result of these studies, it has been proven that hyperbaric oxygen therapy is extremely successful in sudden hearing loss.

How is hyperbaric oxygen therapy applied in sudden hearing loss?

Hearing loss that occurs for no reason within three days is defined as sudden hearing loss. This condition, which mostly occurs in one ear, can sometimes affect both ears. It is a condition that can be seen in everyone, regardless of male and female. People with sudden hearing loss may also hear sounds such as buzzing or ringing in their ears. Also, in some cases, visual impairment or dizziness may be added to hearing loss. In such a case, it is recommended to consult an otolaryngologist without wasting any time. Sudden hearing loss is one of the diseases that can be treated with hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Hearing loss is determined by hearing tests performed by experts.

In sudden hearing loss, the inner ear region is affected and oxygen depletion is observed in this region. According to hyperbaric medicine doctors, it is very important to intervene when sudden hearing loss occurs. If hearing loss is intervened with hyperbaric oxygen therapy in the early period, the success rate is quite high. Oxygen therapy in sudden hearing loss covers the ear area. The treatment is applied to repair the damage in the inner ear. In the inner ear region, there are important cells that provide hearing. When these cells are deprived of oxygen, hearing loss occurs. With inner ear oxygen therapy, it is aimed to regenerate cells that have lost oxygen.

How many sessions does hyperbaric oxygen therapy last for sudden hearing loss?

Hyper oxygen therapy is one of the medical treatment methods. As in any disease, early intervention is of great importance in sudden hearing loss. It has been scientifically proven that the success rate is very high when oxygen therapy is applied to people with sudden hearing loss at an early stage. The duration of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in sudden hearing loss varies according to the severity of the disease. Usually, two sessions of oxygen therapy are applied for the first five days. In the following days, it progresses as a single session. The type of treatment and total session duration are determined by hyperbaric medicine physicians. It has been proven by scientific studies that hyperbaric oxygen therapy applied in sudden hearing loss provides benefits for up to three months.
