Sweden news

A custody dispute led to Tintin being found dead – at his father’s house.
Last week, the father admitted to taking the life of his 8-year-old son.
Now Alexander Rad is sentenced to life imprisonment.

Today it was clear that the father will be sentenced to life imprisonment in Luleå district court for murdering his son in early January, writes SVT Norrbotten.

– It is difficult to imagine a more serious deed than when a parent takes the life of their own child, says councilor Niklas Lind to SVT Norrbotten.

According to the district court, there are no grounds for a forensic psychiatric examination.

The mother: “Tintin was my everything”

On Friday last week, the trial began against Alexander Rad, who had already admitted the murder to his lawyer a few days earlier. During the trial, he again confessed.

The motive was said to be the custody dispute that Rad and Tintin’s mother had for almost all of her son’s life.

– I am the person he hates most of all. He knew that Tintin was my everything in this world. This was his way of hurting me, his mother said at the time.

The mother told me that on the day she left Tintin with his father, she felt an anxiety.

“It’s going to be fine,” is among the last things she said to her son.

In several investigations, Tintin had told that he was afraid of his father – but whom he nevertheless had to meet.

It was after the mother called the police herself out of concern that Tintin was found dead at his father’s house.


Tintin’s mother’s lawyer: “Some form of legal redress”

No objection to the penalty

Alexander Rad’s defender, Markus Lodin, is surprised that the verdict came down so quickly.

– It is very surprising. Murder verdicts are usually rarely or perhaps never handed down, but they are announced a week or so later, he tells TT.

He also says that Rad will not appeal the verdict.

– The client is satisfied with the verdict. He had no objection to the life sentence and is looking forward to getting out of prison. It would surprise me if the client wanted to appeal.
