Sweden news

A 26-year-old man was executed with several shots to the head in Eskilstuna on Monday evening.
According to information to TV4 Nyheterna, a teenager is now being hunted as a suspect in the murder.
The motive is believed to be revenge for a fatal shooting in Stockholm last autumn.

Several residents in the Fröslunda district alerted the police just after 10pm on Monday after hearing a large number of loud bangs.

The Eskilstuna police launched an operation and after 40 minutes were able to find a lifeless and shot man. He was pronounced dead on the spot.

According to information to TV4 Nyheterna, the murder victim was 26 years old and had been shot several times in the head, among other things. He was connected to the gang environment in Eskilstuna.

– You can call it an execution, says a source to TV4 Nyheterna.

Police are looking for a new suspect

The police were able to quickly arrest a man who was reasonably suspected of the shooting death. He was later arrested but on Wednesday was released and written off from the investigation.

The suspicions should instead have been directed at another person, sources told TV4 Nyheterna. According to the information, a teenager has been wanted and arrested in his absence on suspicion of murder.

Linked to the suspicions, the police are investigating Monday’s murder as revenge for another fatal shooting that occurred in Stockholm last fall.

– That is one of the theories, says an informant.

TV4 Nyheterna has contacted the prosecutor for a comment.

Do you know more? Contact TV4 here.

List: Eskilstuna badly hit by gunfire

  • April 17: A 25-year-old man was shot dead in the Fröslunda district.

  • April 11: Shooting outside the central station. Five men were arrested the same day on suspicion of serious weapons offenses and attempted murder.

  • April 6: A man in his 20s was shot dead outside the high school where he was a student.

  • February 20th: Shots were fired at an underpass under the E20 near the Årby and Skiftinge districts. January 25: A 25-year-old man was found seriously shot outside a pizzeria in Årby.

  • During 2022, a total of 32 shootings occurred in Eskilstuna, of which one fatal shooting. The municipality had the highest number of shootings per capita in Sweden.
    Two events stand out:

  • August 26: A woman and a five-year-old boy were injured when a perpetrator fired several shots at a playground in Årby.

  • May 23: A 25-year-old man was shot dead with several shots in Brunnsbacken. An 18-year-old, who was 17 at the time of the crime, was sentenced in December to eight years in prison.

  • (TT)
