Birthing make-up: these mums who wear make-up before giving birth for an “instagrammable” birth photo

Birthing make up these mums who wear make up before giving birth

Birthing Make Up, a new trend from the United States, has been gaining momentum in France for several years with the emergence of social networks. But putting on makeup before giving birth is divided: some see it as a way to feel beautiful for the first photo with baby, others deplore the superficial side after the ordeal of childbirth. Decryption.

On social networks, the photo of baby in his arms at the time of delivery has become the new way to announce the birth of his child. But before posting this Instagrammable birth photoyoung mothers do not hesitate to make up before giving birth. Many arrive in the birth room made up, styled and dolled up from head to toe. Until now, knowing if your lipstick was going to go the distance during labor was probably the least of your worries. From now on, place at “birth make-up”, this trend came from the United States and which has been gaining momentum in France for several years.

The birthing make up, boosted by influencers and social networks

On Instagram and Tik Tok, future and new mothers are sharing more and more photos and videos of themselves holding their baby in their arms, with a perfect makeover. This is particularly the case of influencer Maddy Burciaga who posted a “glamorous” snapshot a few minutes after the birth of her son. Brushing, perfect complexion, lipstick, hair removal and manicure… Some future mothers even apply self-tanner a few days before the end of their pregnancy.

Several influencers also shared their “special childbirth routine”, which she publishes live from the birth room. Already in 2018, the beauty youtuber Lee Ann Jarell made the buzz with a video titled “get ready with me” in which she taught her subscribers how to achieve a perfect look and be dazzling in motherhood. A video, viewed thousands of times, which aroused mixed reactions, some accusing the young woman of conveying a superficial image and others congratulating her, on the contrary, for encouraging women to regain possession of their bodies! On Instagram, several young women have shared similar videos and photos. This is particularly the case of Lyndsay Bryana young Californian mother who posted a photo of herself getting maternity beauty, a few hours before giving birth. On her tray, her complete make-up kit!

Lee Ann Jarell © youtube

As for Tegan Woodford, professional make-up artist, she posted a photo of her doing her sister-in-law’s make-up at work. For the young woman, there is no doubt that makeup has therapeutic virtues. “She was so relaxed that her contractions got worse and we had to rush to the hospital. She was then dilated to 7 cm, and I think I had something to do with it. Doing your makeup during labor will not only relax you and speed up the birth process, but you will also feel beautiful.“. From there to imagining that make-up can have pain-relieving properties… there is only one step!

The trend of birthing make up divides

At a time when princesses, like Kate Middleton, display a perfect figure a few hours after the birth of their baby, the pressure is mounting. The most important thing is of course to feel good and at ease for this important day, but what diktat are women actually victims of again? If the majority of women wear make-up to feel sure of themselves, the tyranny of perfection has therefore crossed the door of delivery rooms! If this trend of birthing make up is gaining more and more followers, other future mothers deplore the lack of naturalness, and especially believe that they have other things to think about than putting on makeup before childbirth!
