The government: Estonia’s boat ramp must be salvaged

The government Estonias boat ramp must be salvaged

Published: Less than 20 min ago

full screen The bow visor was already salvaged in 1994, now it may be time for the bow ramp as well. Stock photography Photo: Jaako Avikainen/AP/TT

The state accident commission is to continue the investigation of Estonia and, as part of the work, salvage the ship’s bow ramp as well as photograph and film on car tires, the government states.

“It will never be possible to answer all the questions about what happened that night almost 30 years ago, but if the planned investigations can contribute to an increased understanding of how it happened when the ship sank, the government’s assessment is that they should be carried out”, says the Minister for Civil Defense Carl-Oskar Bohlin (M) in a press release.

The bow visor was already salvaged in 1994, not long after the disaster occurred. But the bow ramp, which sits behind the visor, remains at the bottom of the Baltic Sea.

Discussions have been held as to whether the bow ramp should also be salvaged as it is considered an important piece of the puzzle in the sequence of events in the sinking.

The government is now giving an additional SEK 25 million to the accident commission to carry out the work.
