CNH Industrial, shareholders’ meeting approves financial statements and dividend distribution

CNH Industrial shareholders meeting approves financial statements and dividend distribution

(Finance) – Theshareholders’ meeting Of CNH Industrial approved theEU–IFRS Annual Report 2022 (which includes the consolidated financial statements and the statutory financial statements) and the proposal to distribute a dividend of 0.36 euro for each ordinary share (equal to a total dividend of approximately 483 million euro). The meeting gave a favorable opinion on the Policy on Remuneration 2022.

Members have appointed Suzanne Heywood and Scott W. Wine executive directors. Elizabeth Bastoni, Howard W. Buffett, Richard J. Kramer, Karen Linehan, Alessandro Nasi, Vagn Sørensen and Asa Tamsons have been appointed non-executive directors. In addition, Deloitte Accountants has been appointed independent auditor for FY2024.

The dividend will be placed in payment on 3 May 2023. The coupon detachment of the ordinary shares will take place from 24 April 2023 (ex date) and the date of entitlement to receive the dividend (dividend record date) will be 25 April 2023 for the ordinary shares traded both at Euronext Milan both at the NYSE. To Shareholders who, on the dividend record date, will hold ordinary shares of the Company traded on the NYSE, the aforementioned dividend will be paid in US Dollars (USD), based on the official USD/EUR exchange rate of 20 April 2023 published by the ECB.

At the meeting, the company published the Sustainability Report 2022. The document was drawn up in compliance with the GRI Standards: Core Option and the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), the main international references for reporting on sustainability issues. The Sustainability Report contains the priorities of the previous year, the related strategic targets and the main results achieved by CNH Industrial.
