SD wants to get rid of more people who have top government jobs: “We have only seen the beginning”

Marika Åsbrink led an investigation into improved labor market establishment for foreign-born women, and there was only a month left until they were to submit a report for publication.

– But I wasn’t allowed to finish, even though I asked to finish it. I have done almost the entire investigation together with the secretariat. I find it a bit difficult to understand. Because it is a bit unclear what I would do with this last month.

– Although I obviously have a clear connection to the Social Democrats, you don’t sit there as a party representative.

She says she is now concerned if this is a trend we are seeing.

– There are clear signs of that. I don’t think you should politicize these assignments in that way.

You don’t think you were given this job by the previous government precisely because you are a social democrat?

– I absolutely believe that my political experience was a reason. Just as many other people from different political parties have received similar assignments in the past.


Tobias Andersson (SD), who is chairman of the Riksdag’s business committee and who last week came out and demanded that the former S-Prime Minister Göran Persson should leave LKAB’s board, thinks the criticism is ridiculous.

– It is generally accepted that previous governments have always reacted in this way.

He also believes that the Sweden Democrats have had a lot to say in this matter, not least regarding the poking of Tomas Kåberger from Vattenfall’s board.

Do you have any more people you want removed from boards?

– There are perhaps such names, not least from certain authorities if you broaden it a bit, but I will not at this stage give you a list of names. There may be one, and in that case it will be communicated to other parties and not to you in the media.
