for Prigojine, stopping the special operation would be “the best option”

for Prigojine stopping the special operation would be the best

In Russia, yet another shocking statement from Evguéni Prigojine, now used to hard-hitting outings. But a little surprise, this time, the sulphurous leader of the private group Wagner believes that it might be time for the Kremlin to signal the end of the game and of its murderous “special operation” in Ukraine, the scene of very heavy losses for the Russian side as well.

With our correspondent in Moscow, Julian Colling

Once is not custom, it is in an article published on Telegram that Evgueni Prigojine threw a stone into the water on Friday.

For the head of the Wagner militia, the main thing now would be to stick to the territorial gains acquired in the Donbass and the south of the country, trying by all means to defend them.

In a sense, the set goals have been achieved, and we have also destroyed a large part of the Ukrainian male population “, he says in particular. ” It would be the best option, for the government and for the Russian people he says.

It should be remembered that the contractor knows better than anyone the heavy Russian losses conceded in an attempt to gain ground in the east. Because according to various estimates, around 30,000 fighters from the Wagner group have already died in Ukraine.

It is in any case not the first time that the omnipresent Mr. Prigojine has been noticed by a declaration which goes against the doxa heard in general in Moscow, and dictated by the hardliners of the regime. Vladimir Putin himself keeps repeating that the very survival of the Russian nation depends on the defeat of the “Nazi” and “anti-Russian” regime in kyiv.

Moreover, the Russian authorities have not commented on the declarations of Evgueni Prigojine, who is increasingly seen as a free spirit, and who in particular embarrasses the Russian special services, FSB in the lead. His position should continue to fuel speculation about the sulphurous businessman’s possible political ambitions.

In a populist gesture that he likes, Mr. Prigojine has once again widely criticized, in his text, the elites and ” the deep state Russians, who would know nothing about the war and would be totally disconnected from the population.

►To read also Russia: Yevgeny Prigojine salutes the memory of the blogger killed in an explosion
