Elite Force Secrets Shows Sensitive Scenes: “Offered Me a Tablet”

TV4’s program on “Secrets of the Elite Force” constantly challenges the participants in both physical and mental challenges. The premiere for this year’s season was last week and right from the start the participants had to take part in tough challenges.

One of the challenges the participants had to take part in. Image source: Screenshot/TV4

One of the participants in this year’s season is a former Bachelor. Sebastian Martinsson was one of the guys who in 2021 dated a number of girls to find their great love. Sebastian managed to find love and Ida Norfors won his heart. Now Bachelor-Sebastian is on new adventures in the program “Secrets of the Elite”.

Sebastian during one of the challenges. Image source: Skærbild/TV4 The feelings come out in today’s episode of the Secrets of the Elite Force

Something that is common in this pressured situation is that the emotions come out and that the participants share their background. In today’s episode we got to know number 18, Salim, 35, who has had a tough upbringing. His mother left the family after a family holiday in Lebanon.

– We were on holiday in Lebanon and then when we were going back she didn’t want to come. So she stayed and I was seven years old and my brother was five. I didn’t see my mother for 20 years.

Salim talks about his background in the program “Secrets of the Elite”. Image source: Screenshot/TV4

The mother’s action affected Salim a lot and he ended up in a drug addiction. In an interview with the instructors Pam and and Sludge says Salim about his experience.

– One day a friend came and offered me a tablet which I tried.

– I took that tablet and just hoped for the best. I’ve always explained it as getting a hug. It really was like someone came and hugged me. It felt like it was the hug I had been missing all my life.

Salim during the interrogation. Image source: Screenshot/TV4
