There are some habits that we all do during the day. Some drink water as soon as they wake up, some sleep a lot, some drink coffee first thing, and some do not leave the house without taking a shower. However, there are some habits that you may think are normal or even good for you. Actually, you are very wrong! Habits that seem normal that we are so sure you are doing at least two of them out of your daily life are threatening your life!
The importance of drinking water for a healthy life has always been emphasized. However, there are conflicting statements regarding the amount of water to drink during the day. Because drinking too much water can cause a dangerous disease called hyponatremia. “Only drink water if you’re thirsty and never feel like you need to drink more,” says Dr. Megan Schimpf.
Exercise is a great way to stay fit and manage stress. However, exercising too much can harm your health. “Everyone, not just athletes, can be at risk from overtraining,” says Caitlin Lewis, MD, sports medicine physician.
Dr. According to Lewis, signs of overtraining can include:
- A deep feeling of tiredness.
- Energy loss.
- Chronic colds, infections and other diseases.
- Insomnia disease.
- Gaining weight.
- A decline in the immune system.
- Menstrual loss (amenorrhea) for women.
The CDC (US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) recommends that adults get at least seven hours of sleep each night for optimal health. But too much sleep, though not as common as chronic insomnia, can lead to a host of health problems, such as diabetes and heart disease. Oversleeping can cause some unwanted or even irrational side effects, including daytime sleepiness. The best amount of sleep for each person varies, but the average adult typically needs between seven and nine hours of sleep per night.
AGGRESSIVE TOothbrushing
Brushing your teeth twice a day is vital for good oral hygiene. But aggressive, excessive brushing is not only unnecessary, it can seriously damage gums and tooth enamel. Experts say you can damage your gums if you brush your teeth aggressively too hard or for too long. You should brush your teeth twice a day for at least two minutes within an hour of eating.
Excessive mental preoccupation with healthy eating and healthy food is called “orthorexia nervosa”. Green Crescent, “Although it has not entered the literature officially yet, the researches and discussions on the subject show that this new type of eating disorder will be included in the diagnostic books in the near future.” says. Dietitians and nutritionists emphasize that they have definitely seen an increase in orthorexic patients in recent years.