On a trip to the Netherlands, French President Emmanuel Macron held a long speech on the future of Europe on Tuesday April 11 in The Hague. His credo: “economic sovereignty”, which he wishes to be more independent of China and the United States.
How can the European Union achieve this objective? How should it respond to the Inflation Reduction Act, a vast plan to green the American economy and which sucks up a good number of European investments? How far can reindustrialization and the environment be reconciled?
To discuss it :
– Anaïs Voy-Gillis, doctor in geography, specialist in industrial issues, associate researcher at the Institute of Business Administration and author of Towards the industrial renaissance (Marie B. editions, 2020)
– Thomas Grjebineconomist and head of the macroeconomics and international finance unit at the CEPII (center for research and expertise on the world economy), co-author with Axelle Arquié of the report entitled Twenty years of social plans in industry : what lessons for the ecological transition?
– Genevieve PonsManaging Director and Vice-President of the think tank Europe Jacques Delors Brussels