Serious violence against guards in Luleå – was run over when thieves tried to escape

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It was yesterday that a police patrol was ordered to the shopping area Storheden. The thieves had then managed to escape in a car.

– The patrol locates the car and a pursuit begins, which then ends at Bergnäset in Luleå, says Henrik Fahlén, RLC commander at the police command center.

Not life-threatening injuries

The two people are now under arrest and are suspected, among other things, of serious violence against an official when a security guard was hit in connection with their leaving Storheden.

– They are also suspected of possession of means of transportation and the driver is suspected of serious drunken driving. The matter is still being investigated and criminal classifications may be added, says Fahlén.

The guard was taken to medical care and the injuries are not expected to be life-threatening.
