List: Three things that can affect the war right now

The Ukraine war has largely been a war of attrition, with artillery playing a major role.

– It has of course been vital if you can locate the enemy’s artillery with a radar system and possibly respond to the fire, and in the best case, knock out the artillery system, says Bengt Norborg, says SVT’s Ukraine correspondent Bengt Norborg.

At least six radars knocked out

Now Ukraine may have gained a small advantage when, according to the British Ministry of Defence, they succeeded in knocking out a large part of Russia’s most modern artillery localization radar, which goes by the name Zoopark-1m.

– Both sides have these systems, but for the Russians it is more difficult to repair these high-tech systems.

Watch SVT’s Ukraine correspondent list what may affect the war going forward in the video above. See also whole The war of the week on SVT Play.
