Aragmatism: causes, symptoms, what is it?

Aragmatism causes symptoms what is it

Apragmatism is a psychiatric symptom resulting in an inability to take action. How to recognize it? What is the cause ? A sign of autism? What treatment? Definition and decryption.

Definition: what is apragmatism?

Apragmatism, whose etymology comes from the Greek pragma, -atos (action of undertaking), is a psychiatric symptom resulting in an inability to take action. “It is a disorder of psychic origin. For people who suffer from this disorder, maintaining activity and behavior well adapted to the needs and living conditions is extremely difficult”, explains Ermina Ofidou. For the psychologist, it is necessary to distinguish it from abulia. “Abulia is a motivational disorder while apragmatism is an inability to take action. The subject wants to perform tasks, but he feels unable to do so. That is to say, there is no loss of will”, she specifies.

What are the causes of apragmatism?

Apragmatism is not a disease, but a symptom. “It is found mainly during neuropsychiatric pathologies and, in particular, in certain psychoses, more particularly in schizophrenia“, explains the specialist. According to her, it is also possible to see this symptom in people with Autism Spectrum Disorder or suffering from neurotic disorders. “Some people have transient forms of apragmatism during certain severe depressions. It is for this reason that I find it important to study the form in question in order to better support the patient”, emphasizes the psychotherapist.

What are the symptoms of apragmatism?

Symptoms are expressed as an inability to take action, loss of motor initiative and prolonged inaction. “The patient may, for example, stay in bed for hours when nothing justifies it on a somatic level”, notes the clinical psychologist.

Often it is the symptoms that lead the patient to consult a health professional. “We can name this symptom during a psychological consultation”, details Ermina Ofidou. The specialist explains that the patient is then referred to a psychiatrist when the state requires a medical opinion.

What is the treatment for apragmatism?

Management depends on the pathology and the patient. “As a general rule, I recommend psychological support. Most of the time, this is accompanied bypsychiatric carebecause this type of symptom mainly requires treatmentexplains the psychologist. Interviews with patients who suffer from apragmatism are often empty or with little elaboration. This is why I find it important to start with shorter interviews. Sometimes we use mediations to promote the development“.

thanks to Ermina Ofidouclinical psychologist and psychotherapist.
