Latest news – Motorcyclist in serious single-vehicle accident

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Motorcyclist in serious single accident

today at 16.35 Oskar Forsberg

Police and ambulance are currently on site on road 625 between Lilla Edet and Kungälv after a serious traffic accident.

According to information to Aftonbladet, it must be a motorcyclist who drove off the road.

The police currently have no information on the state of the damage.

Latest news

  • Details: Shot man armed with chainsaw

    The man in his 30s who was shot by a police officer in Karlskrona was armed with an ax and chainsaw, reports SVT Nyheter Blekinge.

    The incident occurred on the night of Friday and the man had broken into a home and broken windows.

    According to SVT, the background was an infected neighbor dispute.

    When the police arrived at the scene, what they believe was a threatening situation arose. The man then allegedly had a chainsaw in his hand.

    The incident is classified as attempted murder.

  • Arrested for caravan murder released at large

    A woman was found dead in a caravan in the municipality of Mellerud on Good Friday.

    A man was arrested at the scene on suspicion of murder and later arrested.

    During the Saturday afternoon, the police announced that the man has been released, reports P4 West.

    – He was released at 2:30 p.m. pending the forensic examination that comes next week. But the suspicions against the man remain, says police spokesperson Thomas Fuxborg SVT News West.

    According to the police, it is still unclear whether a crime has been committed. The man was in the caravan when the police got there and must have had difficulty explaining what happened.

  • Alert about crazy trips on E4

    During the morning, the police received several calls about cars driving at very high speed on the E4 south through Östergötland, something that Corren was the first to report.

    The crazy trips must have been broadcast live on Tiktok. Police patrols are in place on the stretch and have managed to stop one of the motorists.

    Some must have stopped and met their needs on the road in connection with queues that had formed.

    – Some who did not understand that there will be queues may have thought too much and then they took the opportunity to stop and pee, which we think is extremely inappropriate, says Johnny Gustafsson to Aftonbladet.

    Read more here.

  • Ukraine: Five civilians killed in Russian attacks

    In the past 24 hours, Russia has carried out attacks against eight Ukrainian regions, writes Kniv Independent.

    Chernihiv, Kharkiv, Kherson, Sumy, Zaporizhzhya, Mykolaiv, Luhansk and Donetsk were attacked.

    Five people have been killed and at least ten have been injured, according to reports from the governors.

    Two of the injured are said to be children.

  • Several wage earners may be left without a salary increase at all

    Wage increases will land at a record high 4.1 percent this year – but despite that, some wage earners may be completely without a wage increase in 2023, reports Swedens radio.

    This mainly concerns employees in companies without a collective agreement such as the restaurant industry.

    According to the trade association Företagarna, around 40,000 of their 60,000 member companies do not have a collective agreement.

  • Over 30 dead in armed attack

    34 people have died in an armed attack in Nigeria.

    According to witnesses, gunmen attacked a camp for internally displaced persons in Benue state on Friday evening, the news site writes Daily Trust.

    A pregnant woman and her son are among the dead.

    According to local authorities, 40 people were seriously injured.

  • Truck crashes into pedestrians – ten dead

    A truck has rammed into pedestrians and motorcycles in southwestern Kenya. At least ten people have died and ten injured, according to local authorities, TT reports.

    The accident happened on a major road in the town of Migori when the driver lost control of the truck when the brakes released, police said. The driver honked repeatedly before the collision, according to witnesses.

    Several people were trapped under the truck and the death toll is feared to rise. Two people were thrown off the bridge and into a river.

    The car was loaded with rice and pictures on social media show how it was looted after the accident.

  • Man aged 25 dead after accident

    A 25-year-old man has died in an accident with a quadricycle in Härjedalen.

    The alarm about the accident came at 04.42 in the morning.

    Relatives have been notified.

    The police will investigate the accident.

  • Armed robbery against two pharmacies in Upplands Väsby – two arrested

    There has been an armed robbery against two pharmacies in Upplands Väsby. The police were alerted to the incident at 10.28am.

    There is a large police operation on site – helicopter searches the area.

    – Two masked perpetrators have threatened the staff with weapon-like objects. They then departed the scene with bags. The people must have disappeared on electric scooters, says Per Fahlström, the police’s press officer.

    The people must have forced themselves into products.

    Two people are arrested.

    – It is unclear whether it is the people who deviated who have been arrested, says Per Fahlström.

  • 112 municipalities lack evacuation plans for the elderly

    112 of the country’s municipalities lack a clear evacuation plan to ensure, for example, electricity and water for the elderly if the crisis comes, reports TV4 News.

    The channel has received statistics from SKR, Sweden’s municipalities and regions.

    Now the municipalities are receiving criticism from MSB, the Swedish Agency for Community Protection and Preparedness.

    – Not least in elderly care, you take care of frail people who need care and care, and it is clear that you must have a plan for how to continue that care even if, for example, a major power outage or some other type of crisis occurs, says Jan-Olof Olsson, manager within supply preparedness at MSB, to TV4 Nyheterna.

  • Canada brings home ten children from IS camps

    Camp Al-Hol in Syria. Photo: Baderkhan Ahmad/AP/TT

    Canada has brought home four women and ten children from a camp for suspected IS members in northeastern Syria, TT reports.

    Three of the women were arrested at the airport upon arrival in Canada, ahead of a court hearing where the conditions for their continued life in the country will be determined. They are not suspected of crime at this time, but will be subject to restrictions.

    One of the three was later released on bail.

    The children have been returned to their families, according to the women’s lawyer.

    It is the fourth time that Canada has brought home citizens from IS camps in Syria.

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  • Hello. How is insanity defined? Is it when someone has driven 20 km/h too fast on a 110 road or what is the idea there?

    Happy Easter to those of you who work today at AB🐣


    Hello Peter! None of the noisy motorists tried to follow them and the police have not measured the speed either, so it is difficult to say, but according to Johnny Gustafsson, it was “tremendous speeds”, which is possibly even over 120-130 km/h.

  • It says there was an armed robbery against a pharmacy, two arrested. Furthermore, it says that there was an armed robbery against two pharmacies. How many pharmacies were robbed?

    Matias Silvander

    Hello Matias! Two pharmacies were robbed.

  • Hello!

    The whole world has reported on the attack in Palestine in the mosque why haven’t you done it?

    See that as soon as something happens in Israel it’s a terrorist attack?


    Hello! We can of course always report more on what is happening. We wrote about it in an article yesterday which you can read here.

  • How many women have been murdered (or suspected of being murdered) so far this year? Feels like there should be at least as much focus on it as all gang shootings. Women deserve to feel safe in your own homes.


  • Why don’t you deal with the bizarre, and completely incorrect, claim that you are not allowed to speak Russian in Sweden…? Your article is one long exposition in which the Russian family is allowed to speak for itself, and which plays right into the hands of the Russians.

    Line 5

    What do you think we should “meet”?

    The article is about a feature on Russian television. The reporter has looked up the family’s history, and can tell you that what they state in the clip is not true.

    That it is not forbidden to speak Russian in Sweden is pretty obvious to all of us who live here, isn’t it? 🙂

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