One is detained on suspicion of murder in Hagfors – two are released at large

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The dead person was found outdoors in Hagfors municipality, and the police were called to the scene at 09:30 on Wednesday. A large area and two homes were then cordoned off and during the evening a preliminary investigation into murder was launched.

Prior to Saturday’s detention proceedings, three people had been requested to be detained on probable cause on suspicion of murder. One of the three, a man, was detained on Easter Eve on probable cause on suspicion of murder.

Two were released at large

The other two were released at large. They are still suspects according to the district court, but no longer on probable grounds.

– I do not share the district court’s view here and am considering whether to appeal, says prosecutor Per Svensson to SVT.

All three who were requested to be detained have denied the crime.

At first, four people were arrested, suspected of involvement in murder, but for the fourth person, the suspicions have been written off, according to the prosecutor.
