Covid-19: what changes with the new corporate protocol

Covid 19 what changes with the new corporate protocol

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    A latest version of the national protocol to ensure the health and safety of employees in the workplace against Covid-19 was published on February 16. Pots are allowed again in respect of barrier gestures, but the mask remains obligatory.

    New cases and deaths linked to Covid-19 are currently falling in France. The government has therefore decided to lighten the health rules linked to the epidemic, in particular with the reopening of nightclubs since February 16. It is also the date on which the national protocol for the safety of employees in change companies.

    First news: employees and managers will once again be able to organize pots: “the moments of conviviality bringing together in particular face-to-face employees in the professional context can be organized in strict compliance with barrier gestures, in particular the wearing of a mask, ventilation/ventilation measures and the rules of distancing”indicates the document.

    Continue to limit the flow of people

    But the government remains cautious about mixing and social interactions: “the employer must take all the organizational measures necessary to limit the risk of crowds, crossings (flow of people) and concentration (density) of staff and customers in order to facilitate respect for physical distancing” thus, each employee must be able to have a space that allows them to respect the rules of physical distance.

    Audio and videoconference meetings are still to be preferred. “When they are held face-to-face, participants must respect barrier gestures, in particular the wearing of a mask, the ventilation/ventilation measures of the premises as well as the rules of distancing”.

    Consult a GP online

    Wearing a mask is still compulsory

    “Following the updating of scientific knowledge on the transmission of the virus by aerosols and taking into account the recommendations of the High Council of Public Health dated August 28, 2020 and January 14, 18, 20, 2021, wearing a mask is systematically within companies in closed collective places”, specifies the document. It is possible to wear a category 1 mask or a surgical type mask. The FFP2 mask may also be indicated, but for people at risk of serious forms or who have failed vaccination for medical reasons. The physical distance of at least one meter, hand hygiene, barrier gestures, cleaning as well as ventilation and aeration of the premises must be respected.

    The use of telework is always recommended: employers set the terms, “by ensuring that links are maintained within the work collective and by preventing the risks linked to the isolation of employees working from home”.
