Fat-burning detox water recipes suggestions: How to make detox water to lose weight, will it make you lose weight?

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As a general definition, detox is defined as a short-term diet applied to remove toxins from the body. Detox applications are a frequently used method to get rid of both physical and mental fatigue caused by city life and furthermore the feeling of burnout and to remove toxins from the body. Such diets can vary. One of the recipes included in detox diets is detox water. Detox water is obtained by squeezing the juice of vegetables and fruits. Detox water consumed on an empty stomach in the morning helps to quickly remove toxins from the body.

What does detox water do?

Although the consumption of detox water is not a weight loss method, it has an anti-edema feature. Weight loss can be seen in the beginning due to its low calorie content. These weight losses are more efficient and permanent when supported by exercise. The preparation of detox water, which is very useful for the skin as well as for health, is completely up to your taste. Detox waters are used for many reasons. These reasons can be listed as follows:

  • It provides the removal of edema in the body.
  • It accelerates fat burning in the body.
  • It helps to speed up the body metabolism.
  • It allows toxins to be removed from the body.
  • It makes it easier for the body to be more fit.
  • It prevents premature aging by protecting both hair and skin health.
  • It provides a stronger digestive and circulatory system.
  • It has positive effects on blood circulation.

How to make detox water?

Detox water can be easily prepared at home using both fruits, vegetables and spices such as turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, apple and parsley. The content of detox waters can vary from person to person. Due to the different tastes of the palate, detox waters also vary. At the same time, different detox waters can be prepared according to the circumstances. For example, ginger can be prepared for edema-reducing detox water, and a lemon detox water can be prepared for rapid weight loss detox water.

In order to prepare the detox waters, which are preferred in terms of containing less calories, a mixture of favorite fruits, vegetables and various herbs should be made. All preferred ingredients are chopped and added to hot or cold water. This prepared water is ready for consumption by keeping it in the refrigerator for 1 to 12 hours. The fruits and vegetables in the drink are also used by crushing before use.

Detox water recipes for edema

Various fruits, vegetables and spices can be used in detox water recipes, depending on demand and season. Ginger, orange, lemon, cucumber, apple, grape vinegar, pineapple, parsley, clove, celery stalk are one of these foods that can be used in the preparation of detox water. Some of the slimming detox water recipes that can be prepared with these and many different foods are given below:

Ingredients: 1 cinnamon stick, 2 or 3 cloves, 1 apple, Half a lemon, 1 liter of water at room temperature
Preparation: Washed and chopped apples and lemons. Then, cloves, apples and lemons are added with cinnamon in the water and this mixture can be consumed after waiting for 4-5 hours.

Ingredients: Juice of 1 lemon, 3 fine ginger, 2 cucumbers, 2 or 3 sprigs of mint, 1 pinch of parsley, 1 liter of water
Preparation: All the ingredients are added into one liter of water and the ingredients are ready for consumption after they are kept in this water for half an hour.

Ingredients: Half an apple, half a cucumber, a quarter of a lemon, a pinch of parsley, 1 stalk of celery, 3 glasses of water
Preparation: All materials are passed through the blender and become ready for consumption.

Ingredients: 1 liter of water, 2 sticks of cinnamon, 2 slices of pineapple
Preparation: Combine all the ingredients in a large bowl. After mixing, it is kept in the refrigerator for 4 or 5 hours. Then it becomes ready for consumption.

None of these foods, which are used for detox water and included in detox diets, have a direct and direct effect on weight loss. It is possible to say that there are foods and drinks that can relieve edema and accelerate metabolism only when used correctly.
