To put an end to tangled cables, adopt wireless headphones! The so-called True Wireless models are light, comfortable and practical for everyday use. We now find them at all prices, with excellent sound and even ambient noise reduction!

To put an end to tangled cables adopt wireless headphones

Who has never cursed having to untangle a twisted cable when putting on headphones? This painful chore is now over with the development of wireless headphones – called True Wireless – which, thanks to the Bluetooth connection, allow you to regain real freedom of movement. In addition to this very valuable practical aspect, wireless headphones provide real comfort in everyday life, whether listening to music or talking on the phone. Especially since they are not limited to mobile use: because if they are very appreciable with a smartphone, a tablet or a walkman, they can also be used with a computer or a television, for videoconferencing or follow a program without disturbing those around you.

Popularized with the first generation of Apple AirPods in 2016, wireless earphones have since enjoyed phenomenal success. Almost all high-tech brands, whether or not they are audio specialists, now offer at least one model. Smartphone manufacturers but also new start-ups are rushing into this ever-growing market. Fierce competition that benefits the user. Today we have a wide range of prices and high-performance technologies imported from audio headphones: we find True Wireless headphones for less than 20 euros or even less than 10 euros in certain discount stores, when the big models mark often exceed 200 euros! The offer is thus extremely wide and it becomes difficult to make a choice. However, several criteria make it possible to identify your needs and your desires.

Comfort. This is the essential point to observe before buying your wireless headphones. There are in fact two main types of earphones: the classic ones, which are placed on the pavilion of the ear by relying on its folds to stay there, and the intra-auricular ones, which slip into the auditory canal. and are maintained thanks to a flexible tip. The latter offer more effective passive sound insulation than the former by obscuring surrounding sounds. But comfort can be disturbed, not everyone appreciates having the ear canal “blocked” by this silicone tip, as flexible as it is. If you haven’t already, compare regular headphones and in-ear headphones. Keep in mind that you may wear them for several hours at a time. If you do not feel comfortable with intra-auriculars (despite the different sizes of silicone tips offered), it is therefore towards classic headphones that you should turn. In this case, give some importance to keeping it in the ear. They must not dislodge too easily at the risk of losing them during a sudden movement. Also note that the box that houses all the electronics and the battery of the earpiece can also be quite bulky and protrude too much from your ear or not be comfortable at all if it is small. As for the weight (indicated for the pair in our descriptive sheets), it is all below the 20 g mark, which is to say quite negligible.

The format. Two formats coexist in the world of wireless headphones: “cotton swab” type models (like Apple’s AirPods for example) and button type models. Again, it is better, if you have the possibility, to try them before investing to check the shape that suits you best. The former prove to be suitable for almost all ear morphologies. The latter are sometimes larger and may not be suitable for small ears.

Usage. Do you already have circum-aural or supra-aural headphones to listen to music at home or in the office? Wireless headphones can replace it. Lighter, they are versatile to accompany you in all situations. And if you want to conduct your sports sessions with music, you can count on models specially designed for this use. They are more resistant to splashes of water, to perspiration and are sometimes supplied with fins which fit into the antithelix of the ear and allow better hold while reducing the risk of accidental loss.

noise reduction. Like audio headsets, many in-ear headphones today benefit from an active noise reduction system (ANC for Active Noise Canceling in English). In addition to the insulation linked to the presence of the silicone tip in the auditory canal, the system produces a signal in phase inversion in order to eliminate external sounds. In fact, we find ourselves in a sound bubble, isolated from the rest of the world. This function also makes it possible not to raise the volume too much, since external noises are attenuated. Depending on the brands and models of headphones, active noise reduction is more or less well controlled. You can obviously cut it or switch to “transparency” mode which then amplifies the outside sound. This mode is useful if, for example, you need to speak with someone or simply hear what is happening around you at a given moment without having to remove the earpiece.

The mic. Exit the Bluetooth headset to make phone calls. Wireless headphones all have at least one microphone for chatting on the phone. But not all are equal when it comes to quality. Some show exemplary sound, assisted by active noise reduction and algorithms capable of reducing the capture of external noise (engines, hum, wind) while others let everything through or apply almost no filter. But regardless of this function, it happens that the sound picked up by the microphone is so bad that it prohibits any conversation in practice. Unfortunately, only a real-life test can verify this. In addition, note that the use of the conversation mode is not without consequence on the autonomy of the battery.

Autonomy. Difficult to hold a very enduring battery in such small and compact templates. This is why the wireless headphones come with a charging case. Equipped itself with a battery and a USB socket, it allows the earphones to be recharged (at least once or twice) so that they are always ready to be used. However, if you plan to use your headphones for long listening sessions, it is better to ensure that you have a minimum of three hours of autonomy.

sound quality. Bluetooth wireless transmission can have adverse effects on sound quality (bandwidth, dynamic range, crosstalk, harmonic distortion rate). In this regard, it is difficult to rely solely on the figures and the promises of the manufacturers, which are always very optimistic. Especially since everyone does not have the same morphology or the same tastes. Some prefer a neutral rendering, like in the studio, others a flattering listening, with exaggerated lows and very bright highs, like on a dance floor. Finally, you also need to consider the quality of the source you plan to use most often. The sound broadcast by a smartphone from Spotify or Deezer is not of the same quality as that coming from High Res audio files… and the price of headphones capable of perfectly reproducing what you are used to listening to can vary by a factor of three. Once again, if you have the possibility, nothing replaces listening in real situation.

commands and functions. Wireless earphones usually have sensors and tactile or physical buttons associated with various functions. Some thus detect that they have come out of the ear and automatically stop listening in progress. Many allow you to start and stop music playback as well as answer and end a phone call by pressing a button. But some commands are more delicate or more sensitive than others, which can generate errors or even discomfort. Note also that some models come with an application to customize some functions and settings, which is always nice.
