Cowper’s gland: diagram, what is it for?

Cowpers gland diagram what is it for

It is in the Cowper’s glands that the pre-ejaculatory liquid or pre-seminal liquid is produced. This has the primary function of lubricating the penis before the sexual act.

Definition: what are Cowper’s glands?

Cowper’s glands, “Mery-Cowper glands” or “bulbo-urethral glands” are located on either side of the urethra (duct inside the penis) in man. It’s’French anatomist Mery who spoke about it for the first time in 1684 and the English surgeon William Cowper who made one first published in 1699. The role of Cowper’s glands is to excrete pre-ejaculatory fluid. The abundance of this colorless liquid is very variable according to the men.


Diagram of Cowper’s Glands © 123rf/JournaldesFemmes

What are Cowper’s glands for?

It is in the Cowper’s glands that the pre-ejaculatory liquid or pre-seminal liquid is produced. This has the primary function of lubricating the penis before the sexual act. Its passage in the urethra also allows to prepare that of the spermatozoa: the pre-ejaculatory liquid will clean the residues of urine, very acid. Normally, pre-ejaculatory fluid does not contain sperm. On the other hand, it is still a carrier of HIV in people with AIDS and can therefore be enough to infect their partner.
