Becoming a puppy owner for the first time can be cozy – but getting a puppy means not only a lot of joy, but also responsibility and a lot of work. – First you have to think: Do I have time with a dog – and what do I want the puppy for?, says veterinarian Christoph Bujon in Nyhetsmorgon. “Find a breed that suits you” He also advises that you must choose the right breed based on what you want the dog for and the life you live. – The one you think is the cutest may not be a breed that suits you at all, if you want to keep hunting, you don’t choose a herding dog. If you just want to cuddle with the dog, maybe you shouldn’t choose a hunting dog with a lot of drive, says Bujon. How to puppy-proof the home The first time you get your puppy home, there is a lot to think about. Partly because it experiences a completely new environment and may feel unsafe, but also that there may be things in the home that can be directly dangerous for your puppy. – The first night is usually quite tough. Then I think that you, as a new puppy owner, should have thought about a few things before too, that you have acquired what is needed. You can think about it a bit like when you childproof a home. “Costs about a thousand a month for the first year” A puppy comes with a lot of love and joy, but can also cost a lot. What should be expected for a dog in the first year in terms of insurance, vaccinations and food? – You can think about a thousand a week with food and insurance, but it can be more than that. It costs money to have animals. It costs time, it costs money – but it’s absolutely wonderful, says veterinarian Christoph Bujon with a smile.
Just bought a puppy? Here’s everything you need to know