Intesa Sanpaolo: the second edition of “In Action Esg Climate” is underway

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(Finance) – The program restarts – after the success of the first edition, launched in 2022 – with a new Call-for-Ideas In Action Esg CLIMATE, promoted by the Life Companies of the Insurance Division of Intesa Sanpaolo (Intesa Sanpaolo Life, Intesa Sanpaolo Life,

Fideuram Vita), in collaboration with Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center.

The goal – explains the note – is to provide concrete economic support to Italian companies, which will be able to present projects capable of accelerating the ecological transition and creating a greener and more sustainable world.
The first edition of 2022 had collected more than 80 proposals from SMEs and Start-ups and the three winning companies, thanks to the contribution obtained, were able to consolidate and develop their business ideas on ESG and environmental sustainability, achieving industrial results, technological and financial as well as other awards. This year, the initiative will reward three other Italian companies that will present innovative projects with a significant and measurable impact in favor of the green transition in the “Climate
Tech”, “Manufacturing”, “Sustainable Lifestyle” and “Agrifood Tech”.

Proposals will have to be able to reduce CO2 emissions and energy consumption, and promote the use of energy from renewable sources, the responsible use of natural resources, the reduction of waste produced and the development of the circular economy, indicating operational results (KPI) that can be achieved within 12 months of the presentation of the plan.

“The first edition of the In Action Esg Climate project allowed us to support three entrepreneurial realities in the implementation of their ecological transition projects, creating value for our country. With great enthusiasm, therefore, we re-propose the initiative, to be once again at the forefront of supporting innovation and the green revolution – two key themes of the PNRR – not only through our action as insurers and investors, but also through specific projects, with real impacts on our community”, he declared Nicola Maria Fioravanti, Chief Executive Officer of Intesa Sanpaolo Vita and Head of the Insurance Division of Intesa Sanpaolo.

After the technical-qualitative evaluation of the candidates and the selection by a team of experts, by July 2023 the three winning companies will be announcedThere. From today and until May 15, 2023 Interested companies can submit their application through the dedicated page.
