Sweden news

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

After years of an infected custody dispute, the father is suspected of having murdered Tintin, 8, in Luleå.
A handwritten letter was found in the apartment in which the prosecutor believes that the father explained his “carefully planned act against his son”.

Despite several warning signs, reports of concern and Tintin himself expressing concern about meeting his 46-year-old father, the father still received so-called access rights. The decision meant that he got to hang out with the eight-year-old for a few hours every second weekend.

But on Sunday, January 8, the mother called the police and was worried after the visit.

A patrol then entered the father’s apartment.

And the years-long custody dispute ended with Tintin being found dead in the bathtub.

The text: No apology is given

According to the murder charge that was filed today at the Luleå district court, the father had subjected his own son to violence to the neck by strangling or suffocating and drowning him.

Part of the evidence against the 46-year-old is a handwritten letter that was dated the day after Tintin was killed.

On the sheet of paper, signed with the father’s name, was written:

“I have tried by all legal means to get my son in peace, but there is too much mold and fraudulent processes. Only for Tintin’s good. To kill to save!”

The letter ends with “I demand that you leave me and my son alone. No apology is given.”
