the map of restrictions by department

the map of restrictions by department

DROUGHT. While summer is not here yet, departments are already on drought alert. Restrictions have been put in place. The situation map.

A situation “more worrying than last summer.” France is preparing, in a few months, to experience an episode of drought a priori never known so far and stronger than during the summer period of 2022. The alert, launched by the entourage of the Minister of Transition environment on the sidelines of the presentation of the water plan by Emmanuel Macron, is cause for concern. Water reserves are low and weather forecasts do not suggest an improvement in the situation. According to Météo France, the rains that fell during the month of March “had a positive-very positive impact on the dryness of the soil”, allowing a “catch-up”, without however affecting the whole country. “The situation remains very worrying” on the Mediterranean coast, a region where increased drought alerts have already been established by the prefectures, resulting in restrictions for the inhabitants.

All the news about the drought in France

While an exceptional episode of drought is expected to hit France during the summer of 2023, Linternaute is here to keep you informed of the evolution of the situation, both on the restrictions in progress in your municipality, and on the level of available water or on the right things to do during this period.

As of April 5, 2023, all of the Alpes-Maritimes and a very large majority of Var are on “alert” (yellow vigilance). Not far from there, the south-eastern Bouches-du-Rhone has been placed on “crisis” (red alert), the highest level of alert, with significant restrictions. The entirety of Eastern Pyrenees is, for its part, in heightened vigilance (orange vigilance). At this stage, Aude, Hérault, Gard and the majority of Bouches-du-Rhône are spared from restrictions. Elsewhere in the country, the western part of theAïn as well as the eastoise are on heightened alert, Haute-Saonea part of the Dromeof the Vienna or even Oise (west) are on yellow alert. A situation that could quickly change.

What is the drought map of France?

Propluvia is the institute of the Ministry of Ecological Transition responsible for monitoring water levels and the internet platform that allows direct consultation of water restriction orders. The site includes a scalable map to view the areas affected by these prefectural decrees. Here is the map as of April 5, 2023.

the map of restrictions by department
© Propluvia

There are four main levels of drought vigilance and all of them result in the implementation of specific measures.

  • Vigilance drought (level 1): informing and encouraging individuals and professionals to save water.
  • Alert (level 2): ​​measures prohibiting the operation of valves, nautical activity, prohibition at certain times of watering gardens, green spaces, golf courses or washing one’s car. For farmers, reduction of levies for agricultural purposes below 50% (or ban up to three days a week).
  • Heightened alert (level 3): stronger limitation of withdrawals for watering gardens, green spaces, golf courses, car washing, etc., until certain withdrawals are prohibited. For farmers, reduction of levies for agricultural purposes greater than or equal to 50% (or ban greater than or equal to 3.5 days per week).
  • Crisis (level 4): cessation of non-priority withdrawals, including withdrawals for agricultural purposes. Only withdrawals to ensure the exercise of priority uses are authorized. They concern sectors such as health, civil security, drinking water and sanitation.

Individuals have a role to play in limiting drought, in particular through small everyday gestures summarized by the website of the Ministry of Ecological Transition:

  • Avoid letting the water run
  • Limit the watering of my garden,
  • Install water-saving equipment,
  • Take a shower instead of a bath
  • Install a rainwater collector or containers under the gutter downspouts and in the garden to water it,
  • Repair water leaks,
  • Avoid running your washing machine or dishwasher half empty.

If these actions to adopt are good for the planet, they are also good for the bank account, while the bill should increase soon, given the price of water. A larger increase should also weigh on the most consuming households at the top, as Emmanuel Macron announced.
