What should I do to lose weight and get in shape by walking at home? Is it possible to lose weight by taking steps at home with brisk walking?

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Contrary to popular belief, walking at home can be as effective as walking outdoors. It is more practical than walking in the open air, as it can be started immediately without major preparations. If you find it difficult to spare time for sports, starting regular exercises with walking at home will motivate you. With short-term exercises and seeing the changes in your body, you will not miss sports in your life. It can also be difficult to find suitable environments for outdoor hiking. There are many variables such as vehicle traffic, rainy weather, crowd. Instead, in the walking exercise you do at home; You can more easily plan the pace, pace and duration of the walk. Working at home is also more efficient in terms of cleaning than exercising in the gym and outdoors. You can take the first step by simply arranging an area where you feel good and comfortable to do sports.

How to walk at home

To take a walk at home, you can start by changing some of your habits first. Even with changes such as walking while talking on the phone or choosing to use the stairs instead of the elevator, your daily step count will increase. Your primary goal may be to increase daily physical activity. You can set specific step goals for yourself to get started. It is very practical to follow your steps with smart watches and phones. The more you reach your goals, the more motivated you will be. As the goals are completed, you can increase the benefit of the exercise by increasing the number of steps. In addition, it is possible to exercise regularly at a certain pace and time by using the treadmill at home. Some of the things you need to pay attention to in order to be able to walk comfortably at home can be listed as follows:

  • It is very important that you choose comfortable clothes. In addition, if these clothes are made of non-sweaty fabric, you may feel more comfortable.
  • The temperature of the room where you do sports can also affect your comfort. If you exercise in very hot environments, you will sweat a lot and this can reduce your motivation for sports.
  • You can prefer to do sports with shoes in the home environment. Shoes with sports-appropriate soles help you maintain the correct posture.

You can actively walk for weight loss exercises by taking steps at home, or you can work out by walking where you are. You can make this exercise more enjoyable by listening to upbeat music. In recent years, there are many instructional videos for walking exercises at home on the Internet. In these videos, while walking, stretching the feet, lifting the legs from the knee and stretching with the arms are also performed.

Working this way, you can get away from monotony and you can find the opportunity to work different parts of the body. In addition, working by watching videos can contribute to your motivation. Seeing people exercising with you on the screen makes it easier to focus on exercise and keeps you from getting distracted from your goals. If you are new to this type of content, you can start with a 2 km walk at home. If your body is not struggling at this pace, you can gradually increase the time or distance.

Does walking at home work?

Exercises combined with a regular diet allow you to make the changes you want in your body. With walking, which is one of the cardio exercises, you can both burn calories and protect your heart health. Exercise alone is not enough to lose weight. The amount of calories taken in the diet should be controlled. If the amount of calories taken is less than the amount burned, you can start to lose weight. In addition to being a cardio exercise, you can provide the following benefits with brisk walking at home:

  • Walking works the heart and lungs. It has positive effects for the cardiovascular system.
  • It contributes to the circulatory and respiratory system.
  • Exercises ensure your sleep pattern. It also improves sleep quality.
  • Toxins are removed from the body by sweating while walking. This helps to strengthen the immune system.
  • Walking exercise helps strengthen bones and muscles.
  • Exercises such as walking at home are better in terms of hygiene compared to outdoor and gymnasiums.
  • Walking speeds up metabolism.
  • Engaging in sports activities is effective in the secretion of happiness hormones.
  • Regular walking reduces the risk of heart disease.

Does brisk walking at home make you lose weight?

Any brisk exercise burns calories. Especially cardio exercises are effective in this regard. Other than walking, activities such as jogging, swimming, tennis, cycling are some of the cardio exercises. With cardio, the heart rate increases, breathing accelerates, and after a certain period of time, it helps you lose weight. In order to lose weight, a program consisting of different exercises may be healthier instead of just walking. If you want to develop your muscles besides losing weight, you can choose exercises such as walking and jogging to warm up. Then you can apply the body work program. You can make effective programs by getting support from professionals such as sports trainers and sports coaches. You can ask the experts for help by clearly explaining your wishes and expectations from the sport. In addition, it is very difficult and unhealthy to lose weight without a good diet.

In order to lose weight with walking, you also need to set certain limits on your diet. It is beneficial to consume less fat by eating a diet rich in protein and carbohydrates. You should consume a minimum of 2-2.5 liters of water per day, as a lot of water loss will occur with sports. It is not recommended to eat a main meal 1 hour before and after exercise. However, energy-giving foods such as fruit can be consumed 30 minutes before exercise.

How many calories does walking at home burn?

With brisk walking, you can burn different amounts of calories depending on your physical and genetic characteristics. In general, there are 3 tempos for walking. These can be grouped as follows:

  • Light-paced walking at a speed of 3 kilometers per hour
  • Moderate walking at a speed of 4 kilometers per hour
  • High-paced walking is done at a speed of 5 kilometers or more.

The amount of calories burned by walking varies according to the person’s weight, gender, age, health status, sports history, fat ratio and diet. For a brisk walk, an individual weighing 60 kilos can burn about 120 calories in a 30-minute walk at home, while an individual weighing 80 kilos can burn up to 200 calories.
