The prosecutor requests a life sentence for the murder of Tove

The prosecutor requests a life sentence for the murder of
The family broke down in tears when the prosecutor read out the plea

Published: Just now

Prosecutor Adam Rullman is calling for life imprisonment for the 20-year-old accused of murdering Tove, 21.

The 18-year-old should be sentenced to 18 years in prison or life.

– The actions after the deed indicate that the intention has always been to kill Tove, says the prosecutor in his closing argument.

  • Clea Sangborn continues:

    – She writes that the findings speak for strangulation, but there are no signs that are usually present. The body had been outside for a while, she writes, but also that this type of damage was missing. There are quite a few findings that still argue against strangulation.

    – She writes that there are no stomach contents in the lungs during the microscopic examination. But in the preliminary statement, she writes that there is plenty.

    – Earlier today she said that it was “unfortunate” that she wrote like that. When I brought up the findings in favor of aspiration, she says they “may speak for it.”

    – The findings I mention now (she also shows an image on a powerpoint) speak for aspiration (something that supports suffocation of stomach contents).

    – The coroner also says that the body was lying outside, and that there were copious amounts, in his preliminary statement. But under the microscopic examination, they do not see it. I don’t really agree with her. Aspiration is not excluded, it does not have to be about all findings, but some.

  • Clea Sangborn continues:

    – The coroner decides that strangulation is the cause of death. She omits the other findings. This can also happen to a skilled forensic pathologist.

    – Other things that indicate that she had preconceived notions, and directed against it, I mean it’s human, it’s that she should describe and value the findings and what they speak for. It’s very concise in most legal opinions, but in this one there is a lot of thought.

    – It’s called Sherlock Holmes syndrome, instead of just reporting their findings. This enthusiasm to solve the cases can lead to the end results being wrong.

  • Thanks for the best reporting, very good 🙏


  • Clea Sangborn also says that “the drama has been that you want the 20-year-old to have intent”.

    – That you get attached to certain things, that your brain gets attached to one thing, that you unconsciously have a goal you are working towards, it also happens to professional people. The coroner’s report begins with stomach contents found in the lungs. Then she admits that she allegedly took a fatal stranglehold, says Clea Sangborn.

    – The coroner has removed findings that were found earlier. That the lungs are full of stomach contents.

  • Would you post the hate text


    The whole chat doesn’t fit here, but here’s part of it:

    “The best description for you is pure narcissists anyway,
    your ability to see how others think is the one that is severely lacking. You lie so hard you probably believe it yourself, and you’ve actively tried to bring everyone else down with them before the clock has even struck eleven. Only the bottom scraps of the bottom choose to stand by your side, but if you think you’re going to bring me down in this decade, you’re the ones who will suffer in the end. Your biggest hobby is trying to look innocent while you create unnecessary drama, throw shit and then throw on your victim cardigan so heavy it almost cripples you. Because you don’t have much body hut to bring, and red hair that when you looked at it felt how the eyes burned. Now just do the world a favor and disappear from its surface, because my patience has long since begun to wear thin”.

    (This is thus part of the song that the prosecution side often mentions).

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    During the last day of the trial, prosecutor Adam Rullman presented his closing argument to the district court.

    He demanded that the 20-year-old be sentenced to life in prison for murder and breach of parole after Tove’s death.

    – In my opinion, it is proven that Tove died as a result of suffocation, she was strangled to death, he says, referring to the coroner’s autopsy report.

    The 20-year-old has previously admitted during the trial that she knocked down Tove and strangled Tove and “pressed”, but denies murder.

    According to the prosecutor, her actions before and after Tove’s death indicate that she had always intended to kill the 21-year-old.

    He points to, among other things, her Googling, such as “best revenge on an ex-friend”, that she waited for Tove outside Nöjet with the aim of hitting her and how she acted during the fight in the apartment.

    full screen the 20-year-old and the 18-year-old.

    “Decided that Tove will die”

    The coroner’s report indicates that Tove was subjected to a hard and prolonged strangulation, not the 10-20 seconds that the 20-year-old herself stated.

    – If it is also what the 20-year-old says, that the 18-year-old is with, that the 20-year-old then takes a hold of her neck speaks for her having decided in that moment that Tove will die, he says.

    He believes that the 20-year-old acted rationally after Tove’s death, including by moving her bicycle.

    There were strong emotions in the courtroom during the afternoon. During the prosecutor’s closing argument, Tove’s family sat and cried.

    full screen Prosecutor Adam Rullman on his way to Eksjö district court. Photo: Mikael Fritzon / TT

    It is unlikely that the 18-year-old was asleep

    The 18-year-old has admitted helping the 20-year-old move Tove’s body, but claims she was asleep when she died. Something that the prosecutor believes is very unlikely, among other things considering the loud bangs that neighbors reacted to.

    – I conclude that she was involved in all parts during the day. She is with Nöjet, she is with carrying the body, she is with Illharjen the next day. She then gives false information to the police.

    Both the 20-year-old and the 18-year-old cried during their interrogations on Wednesday. When the prosecutor announced his sentence requests on Thursday, the 20-year-old looked sad. The 18-year-old burst into tears.

    Both the 20-year-old and the 18-year-old deny murder, but admit to breaking the peace.

    The 20-year-old’s lawyer has disputed that Tove died of strangulation. She believes that there are findings in the autopsy report that indicate that she suffocated from vomit, something the coroner rejected.
