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KD member critical of Jomshof: Treats me badly

today at 11.49 Ebba Thorneus

The Christian Democratic member of parliament Magnus Jacobsson has expressed strong criticism against a tweet from Richard Jomshofs where he writes that “gang crime and organized crime is largely an imported problem”.

Furthermore, Jomshof notes that “the Swedes are on the way to becoming a minority” and that it “is ongoing. an Islamization”.

Jacobsson writes in response to the tweet that he has “lots of friends who are immigrants” and also points out that his own family has different origins.

“That’s why it really hurts me when I see how SD blames all immigrants!”, writes Jacobsson.

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    – The plan now is for us to start on Friday afternoon instead of Saturday, says press manager Anna Collin.

    It will take approximately 80 hours before the plant is in full operation, writes TT.

  • Andersson’s demands on Kristersson: Teach Sjöstedt

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    – It sabotages animals and people. People get mental problems because their night’s sleep is ruined by the noise. It sabotages nature, he says in an interview with Swedish daily newspaper.

    Now Magdalena Andersson (S) answers, also in Svenska dagbladet. She says that she assumes that Ulf Kristersson is correcting Sjöstedt – and demands that she distance herself from Sjöstedt’s statement – among other things, that he said that wind power is expensive.

    – It’s wrong! It is serious when a representative of the second largest party in the Riksdag spreads misinformation and I assume that Ulf Kristersson corrects him so that he is reprimanded, she says.

  • Earthquake outside Sundsvall

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    Reports have come in from Sundsvall and Matfors about shaking.

    The Swedish national seismic network states that the tremor occurred at a depth of 25 kilometers.

  • Queen Silvia cancels visit due to illness

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    The Queen was also due to attend the visit but has canceled it due to illness, writes NSD.

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  • The Court of Appeal acquits you of shootings where children were injured

    In July 2021, two children were shot and wounded on a playground in Flemingsberg in a shooting. A 25-year-old man was charged with having fired the shots but was acquitted in the district court – when it could not be ruled out that another perpetrator.

    The Court of Appeal follows the district court’s line and acquits the man.

    It is believed that there are many indications that it was the man who shot, but that a fifth suspect may also have fired the shots that injured the children. This person has not been able to be heard as the person left Sweden after the incident.

    “The Court of Appeal has therefore concluded that it is not possible to establish which of these two men is responsible,” the court writes in its judgment.

    It was in connection with a conflict between two phalanxes in the Flemingsberg network that the children, six and seven years old, were caught in the crossfire and injured in the legs.

    Read more about the event here.

  • Sweden will conduct a new census

    Photo: Jonas Ekströmer/TT

    Finance Minister Elisabeth Svantesson (M) and SD party leader Jimmie Åkesson held a joint press conference on Thursday. News from the Tidö Agreement was presented – a new national census is to be carried out.

    – Sweden has a long-standing tradition in population registration, as a result of an irresponsible migration policy, we have largely lost control over how many people live in our country, says Jimmie Åkesson at the beginning.

    75 million was already set aside in the budget to carry out a national census, says Elisabeth Svantesson.

    – An important part is settlement checks, she says.

    The Tax Agency now receives a new assignment.

    The authority must produce a better picture of who is registered in Sweden today and who should be registered, according to Svantesson.

    In September, the Swedish Tax Agency will come back with proposals for more tools that may be needed.

    One step is targeted controls.

    – A census does not mean knocking on doors. Many different tools are needed. All in all, this is an important part of sorting out who lives in Sweden, she says.

    Other authorities will be obliged to notify the Swedish Tax Agency “when you come across people who should not be in Sweden”.

    – The purpose of establishing a population register. No one knows how many are here illegally, says Jimmie Åkesson.

  • Commuter train station evacuated after alarm

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    Commuter train traffic was stopped and emergency services and police were called to the scene.

    According to the emergency services, it is an automatic alarm that was triggered by mistake.

    – It was an automatic alarm triggered by dust on the track. The alarm system has misinterpreted it as smoke, says Adam Alm, line operator at the rescue service.

    The stop was lifted at 10:18 a.m. and traffic is back on track.

  • Turkey votes on Finland’s membership in NATO today

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    Hungary voted yes on Monday – so far 29 out of 30 member states have ratified Finland’s membership.

  • After 70 years – first cheetahs born in India

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    In India, attempts have been made to re-establish the big cat for decades since its extinction. As part of the plan, cheetahs have recently been imported from Namibia and South Africa.

    Now one of the cheetahs from Namibia has given birth to its first litter of four cubs, something that has not happened in India for over 70 years.

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  • Journalist arrested for espionage in Russia

    The Russian security service FSB has arrested a journalist from the Wall Street Journal.

    This is reported by Reuters with reference to Interfax.

    It is the newspaper’s reporter Evan Gershkovich who was arrested in Russia on suspicion of espionage.

    The Russian journalist was said to have been in Yekaterinburg to write about the Wagner group and the Russian attitude towards it when he was arrested.

  • New powder letter – now to Västra Götaland

    During Wednesday, alarms came from several quarters about powder letters sent to 18 of Sweden’s 21 county administrative boards. The police and emergency services blocked off the county administrations – but according to the police, the contents were harmless.

    On Thursday, a new powder letter was received in Västra Götaland, also harmless.

    – We received an alarm at 8.40 that Västra Götaland’s county administrative board also received a shipment of white powder, says Jenny Widén, press spokesperson at the police.

    The letter has been taken care of for tracing, the county administrative board writes in a press release.

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  • That the consumption of fruit decreases must be good for public health due to the high sugar content of about 10% and nutritional poverty per unit of weight.


    Hi Lennart! Fruit has little other content than sugar, right? Then of course it depends on what you eat instead of fruit.

  • Aren’t you reporting live from the Tove case today?


    Hello! Yes, we do! Here you will find our live report.

  • Of course, the Swedes’ health will deteriorate when we are in times of crisis! Haven’t bought either fruit or vegetables myself since September -22. Almost only eat pasta with ketchup and oatmeal every day of the week to try to stay fit. Never gym again, no dentist or doctor, but if it’s an emergency, I call an ambulance. Am enough people who live like me?


    Hi Susanna! How tough for you, sending my thoughts and hope you can get some help in the situation you are in.

  • Is the attack on the county government made by Russian spetzna operators? Sweden has recently been hacked and now this at the same time as the etssen threatens us with nuclear weapons. It can’t be a coincidence. Many of the cities that received powder letters are potential invasion targets for Russians according to several possible plans. Do you know anything about this connection?


    Hey Dennis! We have not received any information about it. On the other hand, one of the letters had “Swedish animal owners” as the sender and accused the County Administrative Board of abuse of power. Read more here.

  • Hello! In the article about the unknown powders at the county administrations, you wrote that everything happened on Tuesday, but today is Wednesday.


    Thanks for pointing it out, sorry for the miss! Changed since a while.

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