Artificial intelligence could replace 300 million jobs

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

According to the report, artificial intelligence could cause a quarter of jobs in the US and Europe to disappear; but it can also generate new jobs and increase productivity.

The report states that annual global service and production could increase by 7 percent.

The development of artificial intelligence, which produces content that is indistinguishable from human creations, is described as a big step forward.

It is stated that 46 percent of the jobs that will be affected by artificial intelligence are administrative, 44 percent are legal, 6 percent are construction and 4 percent are in the maintenance and repair sector.

The problems posed by artificial intelligence, especially with regard to copyright, have long worried artists and designers.

Carl Benedikt Frey, who specializes in the future of professions at Oxford University, says that it is difficult to know how many professions will disappear because of productive artificial intelligence.

Frey likens the developments to the difficulties faced by drivers when Uber or GPS technology arrives.

Reminding that the number of drivers has not decreased as a result of the arrival of these technologies, but the salaries have decreased, Frey states that with ChatGPT, the salaries of journalists are in danger of falling.
