Fans praise Diablo 4’s open beta, but have little criticism

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

After the end of the Diablo 4 Open Beta, thousands of fans are chatting about the new action RPG and sharing their opinions. The consensus here is: almost everything about the game is good, Diablo 4 can even rekindle old love. Nevertheless, there is a little criticism.

This is how it is with Diablo 4 right now:

What the players say: In forums, on Reddit and also in the comments here on MeinMMO, the reactions to Diablo 4 are mostly positive. Players are excited about what they saw.

It says something like: “Diablo 4 is the best Diablo experience I’ve had in a long time” and especially players who haven’t played for many years are impressed:

I’m 38 and I felt like I was getting done with video games. A AAA game here and there, but never really got into it. Playing the Diablo 4 beta reignited a joy that gaming hasn’t given me in a long time.

fizzunk on Reddit

Other comments from some much older players agree, feel the same. Others are ironically mad at Diablo 4, saying: They were happy with Diablo 3. Now, after the test, they would much rather play Diablo 4. Everything else feels bland now.

There was similar praise for the first beta of Diablo 4. You can see the first impression of the MeinMMO editors in the video:

Diablo 4 Beta: Performance and fun are good, but important questions remain unanswered – the conclusion of the MeinMMO editors

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“I assumed Blizzard could do more”

This went down well: The gameplay and world of Diablo 4 gets the highest praise. The game just finally feels like what fans have been missing since Diablo 2 23 years ago. The world is grim, the mood depressing, the enemies wonderfully disgusting. MeinMMO reader Alex K. sums up his impression:

I was able to play the beta on both weekends and have found it very successful so far. The world looks nice and dark, dungeons are designed very well and the slicing is also a lot of fun. I often missed a free camera to marvel at the murals from a different perspective.

To me, Diablo 4 has everything a sequel should have and then some.

Alex K. on MeinMMO

A new gameplay video shortly before the beta made people particularly concerned about the gloomy world. The test then dispelled the concerns: Diablo 4 is actually as gloomy as it promises to be.

Even the great controversy, the shared world of Diablo 4, is hardly seen as a point of criticism. The MMO elements are there, but hardly disturbing. Only a small part of the players still insists on a pure solo experience.

However, an expert warned beforehand that you would destroy Diablo 4 yourself with too much hype. The game is really good, but not the redemption in the genre. Don’t expect “‘the best game ever’, no game could do that”.

This didn’t go over well: The big criticism of Diablo 4 is still the endgame. Dungeons were already rather repetitive in the beta. If they ended up looking like this, it would quickly become boring. A few critical voices:

  • MeinMMO reader Caliino: “My conclusion after two characters at level 25: currently standard fare, nothing special, but not necessarily bad either. From a previous perspective, however, it is definitely NOT worth the €70.”
  • MyMMO reader Tatsu: “I think I saw everything from Diablo 4 in the beta. Too few skills or hardly any options for them. In D3 I think there were 4 options, now you have 2. There will probably only be 1 or 2 builds per class that perform well.”
  • MeinMMO reader NahYou (already after the pre-order weekend): “The game is pretty, the gameplay is fun. However, the content is somehow just ‘meh’. The world is primarily just like a running simulator, since it is very empty and the story and side quests are very spread out. And some of them are at the old WoW World Quest level, so they’re rather meager in the long term.”
  • Meanwhile, on Reddit, critical voices are clearly outnumbered, which is a rare phenomenon. Normally, the sometimes biggest critics can be found there. However, there was probably too much complaining about the betas.

    Some players have been complaining about pretty much every little thing over the past few days, which eventually brought the “silent masses” onto the scene. They reminded that you don’t have to play Diablo 4 if you find it so bad:

    Diablo 4 fans are annoyed by people who just complain: “Then just play Diablo 2”
