S-analys is to break 20 years of right-wing majority

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

“Fundamentally, it’s about our country, I want us to take the best of the new with us,” says party leader Magdalena Andersson at a press conference together with party secretary Tobias Baudin.

The party is now appointing eleven working groups that will produce policies and proposals, primarily with a view to the S-Congress in 2025, but also the elections in 2026 and 2030.

Andersson states that parties that represent a right-wing or bourgeois politics have had a preponderance in the Riksdag since the previous bourgeois election victory in 2006. It is true that S was in government between 2014 and 2022, but the party was then forced, as Andersson describes it, to push through proposals that the party did not wanted, as scrapped welfare tax.

“Of course, eight years in government were not lost years,” she adds, however.
