7 (easy) tips to be fit in spring

7 easy tips to be fit in spring

Food, vitamins, physical activity… To be in good shape from the first rays of spring sunshine, it is important to adopt a healthy lifestyle.

Spring is back and with it the beautiful days! This period of renewal is the right time to (re)getting good habits and adopt a healthy lifestyle. Eat better, enjoy the sun’s rays, move, rest… We share with you 7 practical tips to be in full form in spring.

1. We cook seasonal fruits and vegetables

Spring is coming and it’s time to get into good habits. Have you noticed that the fruits and vegetables also change seasons? The market stalls are taking on color and above all, the sun is back! THE carrots and tomatoes have taste again, small radishes are crunchy, just like the first white onions of the season. On the fruit side, we welcome the avocados, kiwis or even grapefruits. As they are full of vitamins and minerals, we fill up to be in shape. They can be cooked hot, in ratatouille, gratin, pie or crumble and cold in raw vegetables, salads or to sweeten cottage cheese. THE salads and cold vegetable soups (gazpacho) are particularly thirst-quenching during the first heat.

2. We take to the air every day to fill up on vitamin D

Spring also marks the return of sunny days and milder temperatures. It is pleasant to practice walking again on foot, to stroll. Going out under the first rays of the sun also allows you to synthesize vitamin D thanks to the sun. This vitamin, essential for your body and especially your bones, is essential and is produced from the skin and UV from the sun. This recommendation is valid for children in order to have strong bones and adults and elderly people to avoid osteoporosis. Attention, exposure to the sun must take place with sun protection if extended. Know that the synthesis is fast: from 15 minutes, your body has produced vitamin D for several days. In addition, it is good for morale!

3. We don’t skip detox or diets but we rebalance our meals

Beware of diets and “detox” acclaimed before the summer, going blind is risky! Firstly, because weight loss initially has positive consequences but can also unbalance the functioning of your body (deficiencies, yoyo effect, depression). Then, because these diets make you lose weight but then gain it back! If you want to lose weight, talk to your doctor firsta nutritionist or a dietitian and above all bet on a food rebalancing, much more effective in the long term than drastic diets or mono diets responsible for strong frustrations and therefore cracks!

4. Let’s get back to outdoor sports, like cycling!

Mild spring temperatures are ideal to get (back) into sport. Avoid setting goals that are too difficult to begin with, at the risk of doing nothing at all or injuring yourself. The important thing is to exert yourself, whatever activity you choose. It’s time to get out your bike to go to work where weekend walks, to bet on walking or swimming. Walking allows you to get some air,improve your intestinal transit by working your abdominal muscles. Iswimming is good for everyone, at any age. It gently sculpts almost every muscle in your body. People with joint and back problems can also find many benefits since swimming excludes impacts. For any resumption of physical activity after the age of 50, talk to your doctor who will advise you on the sports best suited to your physical condition and the frequency of exercise.

5. Get back into the habit of drinking more water

(Re)take thehabit of drinking water, the only drink we really need to stay hydrated. You can also bet on the tea and herbal teas (hot or cold depending on the outside temperature), the lemonades homemade without adding too much sugar. We limit very sweet industrial juices and sodas (and we avoid alcohol which dehydrates).

6. Rest!

The return of spring is sometimes a time when we feel a drop in energy linked to the change of season. Sleep can be disturbed. It is therefore essential to adopt a regular sleep pattern. Go to bed before midnight, avoid screens and too intense activities before sleeping, space out the end of the bedtime meal… Resuming good habits will allow you to have a restorative sleep and enjoy your days to the full.

7. We make plans!

Good health also goes through the moral. Having plans gives meaning to the future. And what could be more motivating than preparing for your summer vacation? By planning ahead, you can take the time to find a destination you like, organize activities and visits, etc. The organization offers a taste of the stay and boosts morale. To combine form and pleasure, you can bet on hiking excursions, cycling routes or stays including water sports (surfing, windsurfing).
