Afro-American dream, from mother to daughter

Afro American dream from mother to daughter

Thirteen years after its initial release, the author duo Eric Warnauts and Guy Raives are back with a new format of “Liberty”, a comic book available from Le Lombard editions.

They have been working together for more than 30 years and more than 40 albums, with a unique working method: Eric Warnauts writing, Guy Raives brings the colors, and both draw stories with four hands that are often moving and anchored in an era and in real settings. On the sidelines of the release of the last volume of their series ” purpleheart », the duo presents a new version of the album « Liberty released in 2010. From Kinshasa in 1974 to contemporary New York, from the Foreman-Mohammed Ali fight to Barack Obama’s Chicago speech, the two friends tell us about 40 years in the life of a mother and her daughter, whose difficulties, dreams and hopes meet the aspirations of an entire generation of African-Americans against a background of racism and segregation, in tune with a festive and committed Black Music. ” Liberty ”, appeared in Lombard editions.
