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Problems with travel service after suspected hacker attack

today at 18.19Beri Zangana

Due to technical disturbances at Västtrafik, on Monday there were problems with booking, among other things, travel services and medical trips.

The problems mainly apply in Fyrbodal and the Gothenburg region.

The technical disruptions are due to an IT attack at a system supplier to several of Västtrafik’s transport companies.

– We try to solve all trips as much as possible, but appeal to everyone who does not have to travel to wait to book their trip, says Åds Björk, communications strategist at Västtrafik.

The problems are expected to persist during Tuesday.

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    They then chose to place their coffee cups without lids right by the control levers – something that could have serious consequences for the safety of the plane if the drink were spilled.

    A picture of the coffee break was also posted on social media. It quickly went viral and has caused an outcry, not least among people in the airline industry.

    Both pilots are now suspended pending an investigation.

  • Woman fell from flatbed

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    – But she was awake and talkative, says Sara Andersson, press spokesperson for the police in the southern region.

    The police are currently on the scene to gather information and form an opinion as to whether it is a workplace accident.

    They write that on their website.

  • Fully developed fire in industrial building

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    It must be the roof of one of the industrial halls that is burning with open flames, reports The north.

    Police and emergency services are on site. No one should have been injured,

    Rönnskärsverken is Sweden’s only smelter for the production of base metals.

    Just before 5:30 p.m., the fire service announced that the fire is under control.

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    It reports news site Politico.

    According to the site, several people with insight into the matter have said that the indictment will come either this evening or on Wednesday.

    And therefore not on Tuesday, as Donald Trump himself previously said.

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    It will be an addition to the 18,000 people who were fired in January – which was then the most extensive layoffs in the company’s history, according to TT.

    Globally, Amazon has roughly 1.5 million employees.

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    XI Jinping and Vladimir Putin in Moscow Photo: Russian Pool/AP

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    – I judge that the conditions in the department are very stressful. Under certain conditions, the treatment of the persons deprived of their liberty would appear to be almost inhumane, says Justice Ombudsman Katarina Påhlsson in a statement.

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    The police were called to the school this morning.

    – I can’t go into any details, but a situation arises that causes the boy to be arrested on suspicion of attempted murder, says police spokesperson Filip Annas.

    Karlskrona municipality writes in a press release that a student threatened other people at the school with a knife.

    No one was physically injured.

    “When the incident occurred, the school’s staff quickly made a decision on so-called containment, which means that children, students and staff lock themselves in rooms and classrooms,” writes the municipality.

    The police are now investigating the incident and are interviewing the boy, witnesses and the plaintiff.

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    Minister of Financial Markets Niklas Wykman (M) Photo: BJÖRN LINDAHL

    The government convenes the Financial Stability Board to an extraordinary meeting.

    The reason is the unrest in the banking world.

    The meeting held tomorrow, Tuesday, will address “the risk picture and the stability situation in light of recent events on the banking markets in the US and Europe”.

    Among those attending the meeting are Financial Markets Minister Niklas Wykman (M) and Riksbank Governor Erik Thedéen.

  • Firearm found in the water

    A weapon has been found in the water in the Inner Harbor in Sundsvall, the police write on their website.

    – It’s a handgun, says Björn Rönnmark, on-call preliminary investigation manager at the police Sundsvall’s newspaper.

    The weapon was found in connection with work at the site.

    The police’s first assessment is that the weapon had been in the water for some time.

    Interrogations have been held and the police have seized the weapon. The find is being investigated as a violation of the Weapons Act.

    There is no suspect.

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  • Hello!

    I have been looking for an article I read about a police officer who lent his bank card to his father who was in debt settlement, are you able to link it to me? ☺️


    Hello Sara!

    It was a policeman who lent a card to his father-in-law. Guess that’s the one you’re referring to. You can read about it here.

  • Hello, why has interest in the Ukraine war cooled so much in the Swedish press and news reporting? In foreign reporting, there are lots of analyzes and status reports!

    Otjonsson Otjonsson

    It may feel cold compared to how it was in the first months at the outbreak of the war, when a very large part of the news reporting was devoted to the Ukraine war.

    But I would say we are still reporting intensively. Among other things, we have a team in place now that reports on many fatalities. Feel free to follow our collective reporting here!

  • Hello. What was the big police operation in Stockholm city about yesterday? Nothing more has been written about it.


    Hello Alex! We wrote about it yesterday here. It seems to have been about a fight at a hamburger restaurant.

  • Difficult to read the posts…. It’s usually white text on a black background! But now the text is kind of gray on a black background??? Is it just my phone that is ghosting or???

    Etc. Thomas Engman

    Thomas Royne Engman


    We are currently experiencing technical issues, we are working on fixing it as soon as possible!

  • Hello

    Will households continue to receive more electricity subsidies? For this month the electricity bill is insanely high as well. Or was it just a temporary “band-aid”


    Hello Sol! The government has announced that there will be other electricity subsidies later this spring. Then northern Sweden will also receive a fair share of the support.

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