Latest news – Kidnapped journalist in Mali released

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Kidnapped journalist in Mali released

today at 15.12 Anna Sjögren

The French journalist Olivier Dubois was kidnapped in northern Mali in 2021 by an Islamist group linked to the terrorist group Al Quaida.

Dubois is said to have been kidnapped in connection with his interview with a jihadist leader.

Now the journalist has been released and taken to neighboring Niger, according to the news channel France24.

Latest news

  • Boy arrested after knife threat at school

    A 15-year-old boy has been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder after an incident at a school in Karlskrona municipality.

    The police were called to the school this morning,

    – I can’t go into any details, but a situation arises that causes the boy to be arrested on suspicion of attempted murder, says police spokesperson Filip Annas.

    Karlskrona municipality writes in a press release that a student threatened other people at the school with a knife.

    No one was physically injured.

    “When the incident occurred, the school’s staff quickly made a decision on so-called containment, which means that children, students and staff lock themselves in rooms and classrooms,” writes the municipality.

  • The government calls a crisis meeting about the bank corona

    The government convenes the Financial Stability Board to an extraordinary meeting.

    The reason is the unrest in the banking world.

    The meeting held tomorrow, Tuesday, will address “the risk picture and the stability situation in light of recent events on the banking markets in the US and Europe”.

    Among those attending the meeting are Financial Markets Minister Niklas Wykman (M) and Riksbank Governor Erik Thedéen.

  • Firearm found in the water

    A weapon has been found in the water in the Inner Harbor in Sundsvall, the police write on their website.

    – It’s a handgun, says Björn Rönnmark, on-call preliminary investigation manager at the police Sundsvall’s newspaper.

    The weapon was found in connection with work at the site.

    The police’s first assessment is that the weapon had been in the water for some time.

    Interrogations have been held and the police have seized the weapon. The find is being investigated as a violation of the Weapons Act.

    There is no suspect.

  • The EU agreed on a new support package for Ukraine

    The EU’s foreign and defense ministers have agreed on a new support package for Ukraine, AFP and Reuters report.

    The new support package is worth just over SEK 22 billion.

    The countries must join together to buy, among other things, artillery shells.

  • Recall reflex: Gives false security

    The manufacturer C2 Vertical Safety AB is recalling its reflex Slaplit Led Slap Wrap, the Swedish Consumer Agency writes in a press release.

    The reflector does not reflect light but must be switched on to be seen in the dark and does not meet the standard with which it is marked.

    “The reflex does not fulfill its purpose and provides a false sense of security,” writes the work in the press release.

    It is available in the colors yellow, pink and red.

  • Bathhouse closes after bathhouse feet fall

    A swimming hall in Bålsta in Håbo municipality has been forced to close after a suspected bathhouse infection, reports P4 Uppland.

    A child who swam in the swimming pool this weekend has suffered from bathhouse feet.

    The hall is closed on Monday for cleaning.

    During the afternoon, a decision is made as to whether it has to be closed on Tuesday as well.

    Read more here.

  • Nobel Prize-winning author Dubravka Ugresic dead

    The Croatian writer Dubravka Ugresic has died in Amsterdam at the age of 73, AFP reports.

    She left Croatia in 1993 for political reasons and has since been living in the Netherlands.

    Dubravka Ugresichar has been mentioned on several occasions as a potential Nobel Prize winner in literature in recent years.

    Among other things, she has written about the fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of Yugoslavia – the books have been translated into more than 20 languages.

  • The Attorney General is appealing the sniping verdict

    The Attorney General is appealing the so-called snippadom.

    This is what the Public Prosecutor’s Office writes in a press release.

    Earlier this year, the Court of Appeal in Western Sweden acquitted a man of raping a girl.

    That when the court considered that it was not proven that the girl was subjected to a penetration.

    – The child’s story, with words and body language, cannot be interpreted in any other way than that she means that the man has inserted a finger into her genitals. The man should therefore be sentenced according to the indictment for rape of children in two cases to three years in prison. I request that the Supreme Court remove the judgment of the Court of Appeal and return the case to the Court of Appeal for further processing because, in my opinion, the Court of Appeal committed several errors during the processing, says Attorney General Petra Lundh in the press release.

  • Man sentenced to life imprisonment for knife murder

    In March last year, a man was stabbed to death in Helsingborg, and another was seriously injured. In December, a 26-year-old man was sentenced in the district court to six years in prison for two cases of aggravated assault – but was acquitted of the murder.

    Now the Court of Appeal for Skåne and Blekinge increases the 26-year-old’s sentence to life imprisonment for murder and attempted murder.

    This as the Court of Appeal considers that the 26-year-old had the intent to kill.

  • Fully developed fire in industrial area in Linköping

    The emergency services were alerted to a fully developed fire in Linköping just after 11 o’clock.

    There is a fire in an industrial area. A vehicle has started to burn inside the premises where cars are painted.

    Smoke development is strong.

    There are no reports of injured persons.

    – It is a paint shop for vehicles that have caught fire. The fire is not yet under control. But they must have gotten the gas bottles out.

    – In a building painting workshop for vehicles, there is a rather powerful fire not under control. No gas bottles in there, but other substances, says Mikael Kalered, officer on duty at the rescue service.

  • Missing girl has contacted relatives

    The 16-year-old girl in Gnesta who had been missing has recently been in contact with her relatives and the police.

    This is what the Public Prosecutor’s Office writes in a press release.

    The girl has been missing since March 11 and the police suspect that she was kidnapped.

    A man has been arrested in his absence on suspicion of kidnapping.

    The arrest has now been lifted, according to the Prosecutor’s Office, but the investigation continues.

    Read more about the case here.

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  • Hello, why has interest in the Ukraine war cooled so much in the Swedish press and news reporting? In foreign reporting, there are lots of analyzes and status reports!

    Otjonsson Otjonsson

    It may feel cold compared to how it was in the first months at the outbreak of the war, when a very large part of the news reporting was devoted to the Ukraine war.

    But I would say we are still reporting intensively. Among other things, we have a team in place now that reports on many fatalities. Feel free to follow our collective reporting here!

  • Hello. What was the big police operation in Stockholm city about yesterday? Nothing more has been written about it.


    Hello Alex! We wrote about it yesterday here. It seems to have been about a fight at a hamburger restaurant.

  • Difficult to read the posts…. It’s usually white text on a black background! But now the text is kind of gray on a black background??? Is it just my phone that is ghosting or???

    Etc. Thomas Engman

    Thomas Royne Engman


    We are currently experiencing technical issues, we are working on fixing it as soon as possible!

  • Hello

    Will households continue to receive more electricity subsidies? For this month the electricity bill is insanely high as well. Or was it just a temporary “band-aid”


    Hello Sol! The government has announced that there will be other electricity subsidies later this spring. Then northern Sweden will also receive a fair share of the support.

  • Thank you, Irene Pozar, for your wise words about surrogate mothers!


    Hi Kristina! We also made a news article about it, which you can read here. There, Carina Bergfeldt responds to the criticism of the interview with Mikael Bindefeld and his husband.

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