The National Rally opens its school to conquer power

The National Rally opens its school to conquer power

In the midst of the tumult caused by the government’s forced passage on pension reform, a party in France is continuing its transformation at a low noise. It is the Rassemblement national which is trying to forge a new image. Party President Jordan Bardella is due to present one of the first acts of his term next week: a school for executives.

As its name suggests, it is about training the political staff of the National Rally (RN) of tomorrow. Clearly, women and men capable of being elected and representing the party in the territories. It is on this point that the flame party has been fishing for years and it is one of the main projects of Jordan Bardella. The young far-right leader chose the boss of a polling institute to build the curriculum of this school: Jérôme Sainte-Marie. The pollster approached Marine Le Pen a few years ago. The mission, remunerated, that he accepted: “give the National Rally the means to become a mass party against the elite bloc”. These are his words. The block elite » comes from the word “elites”, it designates in the RN software Macronie and its allies.

A general culture lesson

In gestation, as in all schools, courses but also interviews and conferences. Example of a lecture: the history of Trotskyism or the history of elections in France. These modules will soon be available free of charge on the internet for the party’s 40,000 members. Basically, these are general culture courses which, one imagines, will be oriented.

The other, more political aspect of this school is the training of executives strictly speaking. Through face-to-face courses this time, in Paris and in the Region. Around two pillars: technocracy and doctrine. Technocracy to learn in particular how to manage the budget of a local authority and doctrine to immerse oneself in the ideology of the National Rally.

A pool of candidates for local elections

Each student will take an exam at the end of their course. Logically, those who fail will not be able to defend the colors of the National Rally. “Dozens of students (up to 300) will be trained each year,” slips us one of those who work on this project. The horizon that Jordan Bardella has in mind is obviously the municipal elections and then the Regionals. With one objective for the RN: to conquer medium-sized towns with credible teams at the local level. It is well understood that the National Rally is slowly but surely pursuing its strategy of conquest of power.
