Enel X Way, Ripa: “Our experience at the service of MotoE with two sustainable charging systems”

Enel X Way Ripa Our experience at the service of

(Finance) – “As Official Smart Charging Partner of the FIM Enel MotoE World Championship, as Enel X Way we will leverage our experience to provide the championship with a sustainable charging solution. We will provide two charging systems integrated into a fully which also includes a series of battery storage systems and solar panels.This solution, developed especially for the championship, gives us the opportunity to demonstrate that through innovation and research and development activities we can offer the best performance in the field of electric mobility”. That’s what he said Elisabetta Ripa, CEO of Enel X Way on the occasion of presentation of the FIM Enel MotoE World Championship, held today in Vallelunga.

The MotoE, which is now facing the world championship, represents a showcase for electric mobility and represents a test bed for new recharging solutions. What challenges did you have to face?

“The most important challenge is certainly that of concentrating all the power necessary to power these racing cars in recharging the MotoE. For us it was also an opportunity to verify how technology available to everyone today can be used for extreme uses, such as those of motor sport, and then feed the whole circle of sustainability. It is not just a theme of recharging infrastructure but of sustainable supply of the energy used to recharge these vehicles”.

You also have a hub here in Vallelunga. What is its function?

“For us, Vallelunga is a test plan where we go to verify, test, all our technologies, verify all the innovations we are creating to then bring them onto the road available to all our customers because electric mobility is now everyone’s reach”.

Where do we stand on the infrastructure front in Italy?

“Italy’s infrastructure plan is proceeding at a very accelerated pace. In 2022 we built 3,000 charging points and we reached 18,000 charging points throughout the country, which add up to those of our peers to provide the country with a capillary infrastructure, and above all an infrastructure that gives the possibility to all types of recharging.The beauty of electric mobility is that there is not only one way to recharge at the service station but there is the possibility of recharging at home when the car for those who can is parked in the garage rather than in the shopping center while shopping, or en route in the high-speed recharging infrastructure, therefore it is a freer, certainly more innovative and obviously more digital way to experience mobility and it lends itself to all needs.For this year we need to accelerate even more we certainly want to continue with this step increase the infrastructure of high power recharging, those that we develop through collaboration with Volkswagen, we certainly want to be ready to rapidly implement the funds that will be made available within the framework of the PNRR which will allow us to further accelerate the capillarity of the recharging network as a country. 740 million have been allocated, a relatively important amount for what is the objective of making electric mobility available to everyone and a valid alternative for those who want to travel in a more sustainable way”.
